Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/amers215
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So excited to share my friend and fellow author Jennifer Rowlands (jlrowlands) just finished her latest novel! It's the first installment of what's sure to be a hit series. Great job, Rowlands! *Bigsmile*
  •   1 comment
Thank you! Can't wait to polish this baby and get it out to the world! *Smile*
I'm new to writing.com, and I just posted the first 4 chapters of my first novel. I'd love feedback, and I'm willing to exchange feedback if you have something that needs to be reviewed. I'm looking for constructive feedback on clarity, flow, and general interest level. I have more chapters written if you are interested in reading more.

 Stay Under the Stars - Chapter 1  (13+)
With one innocent Facebook post, Jacey is faced with her past love and her present secret.
#2063492 by aeplugo
 Stay Under the Stars - Chapter 2  (13+)
With one innocent Facebook post, Jacey is faced with her past love and her present secret.
#2063494 by aeplugo
 Stay Under the Stars - Chapter 3  (13+)
With one innocent Facebook post, Jacey is faced with her past love and her present secret.
#2063495 by aeplugo
 Stay Under the Stars - Chapter 4  (13+)
With one innocent Facebook post, Jacey is faced with her past love and her present secret.
#2063496 by aeplugo

Thank you for your help!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/amers215