Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/arizonaheat
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One of the Barnes and Noble stores in my area closed it doors recently. No warning, no going out of business sale -- just gone. What's up with that?
#Amazon *Wink*
That's the only major bookstore chain left in Chicago, so I hope they don't close it
I moved out of Seattle to Phoenix to avoid this exact kind of day*Angry* : cold, rainy*Rain*, and grey *Clouds*. YUCK!
My two loves combined: running and stories. Checkout Runtastics(tm) Story running sessions app (Andriod and IOS). In stead of listening to music while you run, you listen to a narrator tell a story and it prompts you when to speed up to get away from the bad guy etc., or maybe your escaping from Alcatraz (that would be more appropriate if you were swimming though? *RollEyes* ) Great idea, got to check this out.
Then you'd need waterproof wireless headphones - and, before you ask, yes, they do exist.
HA! and a waterproof case for the iphone too!

Ok, sanity check here. Is is weird that I really LIKE the back-and-forth process of working with a good editor? I love this process, maybe even as much as the drafting process -- dare I say -- more?
The air conditioning in the coffee shop this morning is soon cold I had to put on my spare socks I keep in my purse. I can so relate to you dealing with the East coast cold spell! Only difference, I can move outside to to warm up!
Always looking to upgrade my skills. Some great sites listed in the linked article. Funny though, I would have taken a serious red-pen to the article itself, but none the less, the info shared is great.


Today's writing prompt was written for Ken (HuntersMoon)!
Just posted by entry to the "Dear Me:" Official writing.com contest. It was a lot of fun and got me motivated.

If you care to join see:
Dear Me: Official WDC Contest  (E)
What are *your* goals for the new year? Think it over, write a letter and win big prizes!
#597313 by Writing.Com Support

And if you're interested in my goals (and I can't imagine why you would be) see:
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#2025446 by Not Available.

Join the fun!
Year is starting out AWESOME!
I'm constructing a new website, I've entered two contests here at writing.com and that's two more than last year! I also bought some raffle tickets after the first of the year and was just notified I won -- over 50,000 points (Paper Doll Gang, I feel a donation coming your way, do you feel it too?), and best of all I was just notified that my Cozy Mystery short story was accepted for the 2015 Sister's in Crime Anthology. I'm stoked.
  •   1 comment
That's wonderful news ! !

What's the 2015 Sister's in Crime Anthology?
Doing a lot of research on blog platforms. I intend to do some affiliate marking so wordpress.com is out. Anyone use a hosted version of wordpress through NetSolutions (or other host)? or other blogging platform with affiliate marketing? Would love to hear your experience. Thanks!
If you use free website building site such as weebly or wix they have blog components and you are easily able to include affiliate marketing. I find this format is best for what you want to accomplish. Good luck with it!
I've just entered the 01/11 Daily Flash Fiction:
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Good to be writing agin!
Monday. Again. Hate when that happens.

Haven't seen you around for a while. How have you been? Stop by the PDG and say hello sometimes. I'm running the New Class Waiting forum now, so stop by & say hello to the newbies!

Hey Pepper, Great to hear from you. I've been focusing on work, which doesn't leave much time for writing. Miss WDC a lot though. I check in from time to time. Take care. Dee.
Currently reading: Angel of Repose, by Wallace Stegner. Pretty long, but some of the best writing I've ever read. If you need some great examples of how to handle flash backs, or come back current from a flash back - this is the book for you. Very well done. Read Stegner like you would drink a good wine - sit back, take it slow, and enjoy the buzz.
Pls take my Women and Money survey for a book I'm working on
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#1678078 by Not Available.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/arizonaheat