Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/aspasia103
Please follow an E rating.*
"I know one thing, that I know nothing"

*Vine1**Flowerr* Hi there, Just dropping you a friendly note to say, "Welcome to the site!" I'm sure you'll be glad you joined. If you're wondering how to get started, or if you'd like to come and meet some new faces, why not visit us at "Invalid Item and say hello? *Flowerr**Vine2*
Hope to see you there,
how are you?
I'm fine, busy with revising my stories so they read better.

I spent this morning stringing up my tomatoes in my greenhouse.

I always love the stringtime, when everything comes into bloom.

Hope you day went well too,

Take care now,

I have a good day, but I have to study a lot. Well I wish your days to be like the ones you descibed me.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/aspasia103