Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/blargman7
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Since Permission to Swap has been popular lately, I’ve gone and added four new characters to it.
Congratulations on your anniversary
*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*

I am temporarily removing a somewhat long story branch from Cameron's Crossdressing Adventure. It was something I worked on alone (so don't worry only my own work is being deleted) but I was never really satisfied with it so I've decided to just rewrite it from scratch after I give the story a little update.
I'm going to call my work on The Swaptacular Remote complete for now. Over the last several months, I fixed up the spelling and grammar mistakes on every chapter, culled all the rule-breaking chapters, touched up to the character bios, added a bunch of new characters, and added a few new branches to the story. Most recently, I've added alternate starts instead following different characters. I've stated with 4 for now, but I will add more once these ones each get a few good branches started on them. I was hoping to add back some removed storylines as well that were requested, but can't right now due to issues with the Internet Archive so my work is done for the time being. Maybe one day. But for now I hope everyone enjoys the revamp I've given the story. I'm just glad people are still adding to it almost 13 years since I first posted it.
Happy New Year everyone! Just wanted to announce that I've finished adding and updating characters for my Swaptacular Remote story. I might have gone overboard on new characters, but I figure too many is better than not enough. I'm not quite finished with my final tweaks to the story, but feel free to add new chapters now if you like.
I updated and reorganized almost every character bio for Swatacular, and boy let me tell you, some of them needed it. Probably haven't touched them in years. Everyone should have more detailed descriptions now, and I even added some new ones, including some from chapters you guys have added. Tomorrow, I've got a few more to add, then I will be adding some fun new chapters using them. I hope you all enjoy the improvements to the story. *Smile*
After 12 years on this site, it's time to make a change. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere! For the longest time, I had this vision of all my stories sharing a continuity, but I've decided that it was a stupid plan that was holding me back creatively. So goodbye to that idea! Going forward, I'm going to focus on writing what I want without worrying about some larger narrative. After Christmas, I'm giving my very first story, The Swaptacular Remote, a much needed overhaul, then I will begin working on finally releasing the sequel I've been planning for years as well as some new story ideas. I look forward to starting a new era for my stories.

Happy Holidays!

- Blarg
Great choice! Be true to yourself, and it will be even more enjoyable.
Excited to see some new work, and look forward to adding new chapters!
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

Pro tip: if you see two authors working together on an interactive branch, don’t add a chapter to it that just complains that it’s too long. It’s extremely rude.
It seems not everyone is happy with my decision to remove a large number of rule violating chapters from Permission to Swap. I spent a lot of time going back and reading literally every chapter in the story, and for each one I deleted I spent a lot of time debating the choice and the reasoning for it, And I’ve been accused of “removing half of the content For no reason.“ Maybe it’s just one person, but it’s hard not to feel disheartened and depressed about it. I am deeply sorry if anyone is upset with the choices I’ve made with my story.
Don't feel disheartened, please. It's your story, therefore your rules and people need to respect that. You've put a massive amount of work into it and you should be proud, not depressed. Keep your head up my friend.
It is your story, with rules and guidelines on the cover page. It is not a free for all sandbox. It is the writer's responsibility to follow those rules and if they don't, they should be prepared for the consequences.
No worries it's your story so you decide what you want in it. Don't let those people get to you.

It took far longer than expected or planned, but Permission to Swap is publicly available once more. After about 9 years since I first posted it here, it was in need of a facelift. I'd left it alone for too long and it had become mired in poorly written chapters and ones that just outright broke continuity. I fixed issues where I could, but some chapters unfortunately had to be deleted. In positive news, I've added a bunch of new characters, incorporating some that others had introduced in their own chapters in some cases, touched up all the character bios, and, most exciting of all, I've added new branches where different characters can have the power. I look forward to some new additions to help replace what was lost with new and even better chapters. Thankfully, I should never had to do something like this again. Thanks for the patience.
Job well done. Congratulations.
Yay! Looking forward to reading the new stories and adding new chapters to this awesome interactive!
My Permission to Swap story will be temporarily unavailable while I give it some much needed maintenance. I will let you all know when it's set to public again.
Good luck with that!
Great to see you're paying such attention to your stories... especially this awesome one! Can't wait to see the renovations!
Can't wait to see the finished product!
Happy Anniversary my friend *Delight*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/blargman7