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Finished the marathon of typing up Chapter 12 - 10,590 words!!

I have about 23 chapters, so if every one was that length, I'd be way over any acceptable length for a novel, even a fantasy-ish one. Luckily I don't think any of the others get anywhere near ch 12 - I just looked at chapters 3-7, and all of those only equal about 26,000. Some rebalancing of chapter divisions may be needed later on!
Continuing to plod through Chapter 12. 6500 words and rising. Will it ever end?!

I had to get a blanket for my morning writing session this morning! I know it's a well-worn cliche, but we really are having a rubbish summer so far here in the UK! *Rain*
Still typing up Chapter 12 - it's the (emotional, dramatic) finale to Part 2, so it's one of the longer ones, and is going to take me a while.

I notice as I type up that there are certain types of punctuation that I overuse - I'm sure in future drafts all my colons will be ruthlessly edited out, e.g.

Another man had entered: he looked a bit older than Simon’s parents, balding, a medical bag in hand.

Do you find yourself overusing certain types of punctuation? For me, it's almost a "safety blanket", something I use when I can't think of anything else to whack in the middle of a sentence!
I've got an unhealthy addiction to emdashes, and as I can never be bothered putting in a proper emdash, it just ends up being a normal dash.

And studying German many years ago has permanently scrambled my brain re the correct use of commas in English. *Bigsmile*
KÃ¥re Enga in Montana - Yes, that should be a mantra of all writers, I think - "there's always time to edit" !*BigSmile*
Dave Ryan - Comma-littered sentences are a another thing that I'm sure will get edited out ruthlessly in future drafts!
Haven't posted here for the last few days, but have jumped back and been working on revising my opening Chapters 1 & 2 so that they align with events later on in the story.

I love finding moments when going over earlier chapters when you realise that you now have the ability to slip in a little bit of foreshadowing about events yet to come. Great fun!!
Continuing to revise chapter 12 on the train this morning. This climactic scene is tricky because I have about 9 characters in one small room at one point. Do you find it tricky giving all your characters memorable characteristics, physical or otherwise?!
Rewrote out the final section of Chapter 12 in today's session. Does anyone else write by hand? I write and edit a lot by hand as it helps me think, but it does take a lot longer... I am gradually weaning myself onto using comments and track changes in Microsoft Word, too!
I sometimes write first drafts by hand, then edit as I type it up. I have 3 novels at the moment in various stages of completion, all in the scrawl we laughing refer to as my handwriting.
s - I like to think my handwriting is ok, but I end up with so many asterisks and PTOs and arrows all over my handwritten drafts that anyone would have trouble following it!
Did an hour this Monday morning and finished adding some notes on character's motivations to Chapter 1 - because of the way my novel is set out, Chapter 1 comes chronologically after Chapter 12...

Now I can go back and finish writing up Chapter 12 properly!
Phew! My DH was writing a report this evening so I managed to get another 2.5 hours done, and finished off this round of revisions for Chapter 12 - hooray!!
Hello WDC'ers!

I've never really used the Newsfeed/Notes before, but I thought I'd start posting updates about my writing sessions for my own accountability. It will be a bit random as I'm halfway through writing a fantasy novel, but come and jump in with me!

Today I managed half an hour before I needed to go and do some cooking. That does make 6.5 hours this week, though!

I'm currently working through trying to align some characters' motivations through several chapters, so today was making sure everyone's actions and dialogue made sense in Chapter 12 - it's tricky because it's the climax of Part 1, and there are tearful partings, lots of injuries, and of course a long argument with an over-officious constable.

My favourite line from today:

Mark tried to prop himself up against the back of the alcove a little bit more, and rolled his head to the side so that he could see Lily, who had taken herself away a few feet and currently seemed to be staring with unbridled venom at a patch of paint-stained floor.

*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*
Totally re-hauled the opening chapters of my novel today - it's from the perspective of an entirely different character *Cool*

"Invalid Item has been so good in getting me to write - actually write, and not just plan plot twists and have fun writing character sketches!

You have numerous chapters done already? Wow! I've got maybe a chapter, but it isn't the first. Some of you are super go-getters! Wish I could get it rolling better.
Oops, that was a bit of a mis-type! I have bits of other chapters written, but I can't count them as the opening because I have no idea where they come in the novel. Going to have to write a lot today to catch up on my beginning!
Oh... well I don't feel like such a slacker now then! *Laugh* I have some bits written from random later chapters too, but I had to write my first chapter from scratch this week... just like you.
         "He stood there for a minute, looking down at them and twisting the silver ring on his finger, and then made his way back to his banquet."

Fromm my writing session this morning. First draft, nowhere near perfect, but I'm enjoying it!
The ideas flow so much better for me with a paper and pen when I'm writing new scenes.

Filed under: things to remind myself of before I start writing *Rolleyes*
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I always keep a pad and pen beside my bed. The minute I think I will fall asleep and idea pops in my head.
Alas, must go do reading for my essays now, after spending my requisite hour writing this morning. Must definitely have a writing-all-day day in the holidays.
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Reading for essays... good luck! *Smile*
I have written more dialogue in the last four days than I have for a long while, thanks to Week 5 of "Invalid Item It's tough, but very enjoyable!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/blushingrose