Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/brennus
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Happy and Blessed Easter to All of Those Celebrating.
Hello Richard!!!

I received a lovely surprise in the mail yesterday.
The physical version of this special badge
and it made my day! :
Merit Badge in Bubbly Pubby
[Click For More Info]

   [Link To User adherennium]  is right,  a bit off maybe , but definitely right about this. You deserve a lot of Merit Badges for All That You Do For WdC!!  Thank You!!

Here's a book that some might find helpful — it is available free today for Amazon Kindle


Ship Wrecked Waldo

Waldo Richard.
Thank you for the link much appreciated.
I was hoping it would be a book of cartoons...
Thank you!
I want to thank Lilli 🧿 ☕ for the beautiful signature she created for me!

Richard Siggy

I fully intend to live up to her challenge!

Here's what I am working on right now:

I took a bit of time to make a review siggy with Lilli's neat image. (Go ahead click on it, Grumpy Dares Ya')

I am re-reading and reviewing the poems submitted for "Grumpy's Short-Lived Poetry Contest

I am getting Pubby back on track sending out Merit Badges. He's still trying to streamline the process by catching up on the four separate groups and remaining singletons.

My big project is scoring, setting, and printing music for a Memorial Service for a dear friend and work colleague who passed suddenly and unexpectedly. That task is pretty much complete and needs some touching up.

I still need to write a blog entry about the loss as a way to help clear my mind.

Sorry - the laugh is for the wonderful title (and siggy) Shenanigan's Co-ordinator, not appropriate for the loss of your friend. No offence is meant. *Care*
Adherennium Dr of Phoolishness - none taken, laughing helps!
What Doc said.
It Figures —

I came here planning on getting some stuff done ...


The internet or my laptop is being wonky. We had our first real snow in two years, so the problem might be external.

It just took 45 minutes to send two merit badges!

I have a couple more must-complete tasks, and then I am going to scrub my laptop and restart my internet.

Hopefully, I'll be back!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!
Thank You, Secret Valentine!
Thank You For The Lovely cNote Secret Valentine!!
> I had purchased all 25 merit badges in "Pub Bunny's Merit Badge Sale ~ Closed:

The following happened;

1) To facilitate MB delivery and streamline the process, I was waiting for ALL of the badges to fall into the same CR pattern.

There were three different groups, and I wanted to consolidate them into one group.

2) I had several single badge purchases, some of them for people in one of the three aforementioned groups; I took care of those first, again, to streamline the process.

3) Without thinking, I threw a monkey wrench into my own plans by participating in a Contest Challenge Merit Badge event.

4) The main reason I have not been in contact involves the sudden and unexpected death of my former teaching partner and very good friend, which, to be honest, I haven't fully come to terms with yet.

I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.

I will be sending badges out soon, as soon as I get my head on straight.

If anyone would like a refund, let me know.

My heart is with you as you grieve the loss of your friend. I’m sure everyone understands the issues that have come up and that life happens. You’re more important than Merit Badges. Take care of yourself and know we care. We’ll see the MBs when the time is right. *Heart*
Exactly what buddhangela said. *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
Don't Miss Out!!

LegendaryMask❤️ needs some help;

"Note: I need help finding PARTICIPANTS and adver..."

You can participate by signing up here:

My Secret Valentine Participation Form  (E)
Would you like to surprise someone with a few Valentine's?
#2240960 by LegendaryMask❤️

This is a great chance for anyone who has a Valentine's Day or Love-Themed shop to drum up some business!

Let her know your shop is up and running!!
Strange doings are afoot here on WdC!

s has report a Tuba Attack — Wait What?

Oh, my bad, it seems he said tubers. But, still, I fear the worst —

Penguins & Potatoes

Someone please alert Adherennium Dr of Phoolishness

Groundhogs & Potatoes

And watch out for flying spuds!

Throw a Hot Potato  (E)
Who is going to be the last one to hold the Hot Potato?
#2301389 by Annette

Potatoes again..how odd. The penguins must've had them on special order.
Penguins pluck plenty pretty perfumed potatoes, potentially pickling pink pieces.
(Never mind me. I'm just passing by. *RollEyes*)
First woodchucks chucking wood and now spudchucks chucking spuds? Where will it all end?

This is a quick update-type post from my phone.

I know Grumpy has a contest to deliver on and that Pubby needs to send out some Merit Badges.

I am away from home now; Lenore and I had to travel for a wake/funeral.

In our hasty packing, I failed to remember my laptop. I can't access stuff well enough to accomplish things effectively.

We should be back Thursday. I will be stopping by on my phone now and then, so help keep the Boys amused.
A wake-up/funeral?
🐦GeminiGem🌷 - phone auto-correct I missed. That's why I don't like posting from my phone.
Richard ~ Shenanigans INC. - I wrote a newsletter about this not long ago.
There seems to be a potato problem around these parts — and I think it just got worse!

Potato Meme

I think that is too much to swallow.....
And I thought it was difficult enough to decide if it has an "e" at the end: potato -vs- potatoe...

I think I'll just stick to spuds.
And I thought GHOTI (pronounced "fish") was convoluted.
This Book: How To Build A Book Marketing Strategy (Writer's Reach) Kindle Edition


Is Available Free Today!
This is great–just click the link and then click "buy now" (as long as it still shows the Kindle price as $0.00). I may be in the minority, but I love digital books. I can read anything, anytime I want to. Instant gratification, that's me. Plus, I can highlight sections and make notes on them without damaging the book, and go back and look at all of my highlights in one place. As long as I have my phone with me, I can read. I like.
Stupid Amazon not letting non-US citizens buy this...
There Are Six Funny Entries In

Grumpy's Short-Lived Poetry Contest  (E)
Cheer Grumpy up; he's had a tough month!
#2311860 by Richard ~ Shenanigans INC.

Which Means These Prizes Are Already Up For Grabs —

First Place — A Community Merit Badge of the Winner's Choice + 15,000 Gift Points.
There must be at least five entries to award First Place

Second Place — A Community Merit Badge of the Winner's Choice + 5,000 Gift Points.
There must be six to ten entries to award Second Place

So We Need Five More Entries, So We Can Award —

Third Place — A Community Merit Badge of the Winner's Choice.
There must be at least eleven entries to award Third Place

There Is Still Plenty Of Time!

You have [Refresh to load countdown.]

To Make Grumpy Snort More Coffee Out of His Nose!

  •   1 comment
Just entered... *Bigsmile*
A shameless plug —

KnightScribe is hosting a month-long writing contest. Take a look at the prompt in "*Announce*Anthology Project (January-February 2024)"  

The Dreamweaver Lounge  (13+)
A forum for members and friends of the "Dreamweaver Bar & Grill" Group.
#2211867 by Richard ~ Shenanigans INC.

Andre is hosting a Fractured New Year's Resolution blogging event. Two new prompts are up: "Andre's Fractured Resolutions Prompts Week 2"  

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1985857 by Not Available.

And, Finally, Grumpy the Leprechaun wants some funny poems. His contest runs from Friday to Friday and is open today for entries. Details are in the forum!

Grumpy's Short-Lived Poetry Contest  (E)
Cheer Grumpy up; he's had a tough month!
#2311860 by Richard ~ Shenanigans INC.

  •   1 comment
This looks new fun!

I'm not a member of the "Dreamweaver Bar & Grill group", can I still enter the "*Announce*Anthology Project (January-February 2024)"  ?
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/brennus