Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/bunnyface123
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I would like to dedicate this post to my very first reviewer for the piece "Nightmare"! I hope to hear from you again and I hope you at least semi-enjoyed it while you were reading it:
Thank you so much I'm so excited that you wrote so much. I love getting feedback and opinions from others. Rest assured that the time and effort you put into this review will be perceived in the editing of this chapter as well as the creation of the next. Keep in Touch I Would Love To Hear From You!!!!!!!!
So I am happy to say that I finally delivered the piece I said I was. I hope you all like it! I am thinking of posting the continuation of Nightmare just to see if people would like to keep up with it. If by June Nightmare has over 47 views I will post the continuation. As usual, June will be the day so hope you can't wait!!!
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Nightmare  [E]
Cora's problems are becoming too much for her to handle herself, will anybody help her?
Hope you all can read it!!!!
So today is the day! Now I'm very excited to say that I made a HUGE breakthrough in the personality of my characters which I have to admit I was struggling with. Now at this time I'm still in the process of editing now having new information on my characters. I will work as much as possible and keep working until finished and should be posting very soon! Also "Escapees" might be deleted to make space since it has gotten few views. Look forward to the Update and pray no writing blocks happen!
Wow it has been a while..........Anyways I will be posting a new chapter of something I've been working on. Everything's finished I just have some major editing...MAJOR. But my goal is to have it out on the 9th of July which is just a hop skip away for you but a lot of work for me. Now if it doesn't come out on the ninth (sorry to disappoint) I will definitely post it as soon as possible because as I said it's done I just need to edit it. So Look Forward To It!!! & Pray I can finish it on time!
To make it easier for you to believe that I will update on Jul. 2012, I have already updated the piece of poetry that I was referred to last time. It's Hamlet's third soliloquy that I modified from "to be or not to be" into "to try or not to try". I happen to like it a lot but I do have a biased opinion. And do not fret I am editing and correcting the piece that I said I would post and I will. Look forward to it I hope you like it and please tell me what you think about the soliloquy. JUL. 2012!
Wow it has been a while since I've written here. I will admit that I have done very little on the work that I have promised I will be updating but having said that I will still Update Jul.2012 so look forward to it. I will also update a piece of poetry. I'm not a great fan of poetry nor do I believe I'm that good at it but one of my teachers back in high school made me write a piece and I found it to be quite enjoyable, so I will post that as well. I will do my best to stay on task. Jul 2012!!
I'm here to once again give you an update on my new piece coming in Jul. 2012. I have come up with a temporary title called Vita Nova which has started to grow on me but it's still temporary and can be changed at any time. I apologize again for the fact that it will be a while before I update my new piece but I have my reasons. I want to make sure that it is as near perfect as possible that way I won't need to edit it after I've posted it. So please be patient and I'll make it worth it!Jul 2012
Since I won't be updating for a while but I wanted to make sure you don't lose interest so I will give you little reports on how the work is coming. That way you will have more confidence that I will make the deadline. As I said in a later note I called this update Choice Of A Lifetime - well that is not true anymore. As of this moment I am debating the title. That's all for fun facts about updating for today I hope you will read my work when it comes out! Look Forward to it! Jul. 2012
I understand that it's not fair that the next update is so long away and I never updated my new piece but my next update will be July 2012. As an apology for my mixed-up summer i will update TWO pieces! So please look forward to it! I will update no matter what! You can count on me! So keep reading and keep reviewing!
Sorry I have completely given up on trying to hustle to finish as you could've already noticed. I usually hate giving excuses to make up for my mistakes but I feel you should know the reason. I was in France for a month with limited access to a computer. Then when I came back I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. After having your wisdom teeth pulled you really don't feel like doing anything. Then after recovering from surgery I had to pack to move into my college dorms. Next Update Jul 2012
Now I feel ridiculous because I couldn't update on time. I figured i wouldn't be able to on time because I was on a trip out of the country but now I'm back and I'm going to hustle to update a new piece I started. I just hope I get feedback.
I will update one chapter of Choice Of A Lifetime on July 6, 2011. If I can't update it on that day I will update the chapter as close to this date as I can.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/bunnyface123