Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/cherylbaker
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 Outmaneuvered: Chapter two, Motives  [13+]
Susan is is confused. Up till now she does not know the identity of her kidnapper.
The second chapter of Outmanouevered, "Motives" has been posted
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 My Symbols of Romance  [E]
When romance is in the air, there are certain symbols we all know. My poem mentions three.
Changed "our inner sole" to deeply inside our sole. It was pointed out to me that there is only an inner sole so the word inner was superfluous.
Altered some minor word endings to correct the tense. I hope it sounds better.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 My Symbols of Romance  [E]
When romance is in the air, there are certain symbols we all know. My poem mentions three.
i Changed the colour of the font font hot pink to black. I did not realise how difficult it was to read.
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 My Symbols of Romance  [E]
When romance is in the air, there are certain symbols we all know. My poem mentions three.
I edited my Prologue for Outmanoeuvered. Improvements were made after receiving two helpful reviews.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Dear Me, #contest number 597313  [E]
A Motivational Contest for the New Year.
Just need to check the word count. It was right the way it was.
I made a few changes to my prologue. A few more lines to make it more interesting. Fixed some minor errors too.
I have added a new item to my portfolio. It is the prologue to my story "Outmanoeuvred". It introduces two characters and sets the scene for what is to follow. I would really appreciate good honest reviews so I can make improvements.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/cherylbaker