Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dark.saint
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parents know everything, i'm falling apart, i took everything out on you, but still you give me your heart, i dont know what to do i'm so scared, but it helps, even just a little to know that you care, i'm not sure how long i'll be like this, lost confused and deppresesd, but i'll make it up to you no matter the risk, because you are my happyness, i love you

I'm going to call you tomorrow, I need to see you okay, hopefully I can visit. We need to talk. I love you.
I hope you can still get on this site. Please explain what happened :'(
i have already havent i
Now you have. I love you.
Heeeeeeey Jakey :)
Just 1 thing. . . .
Hey. Love your new poem. You haven't posted in a while :)
yeah sorry about that
go back to the start where nothing could tears us apart, we where in the dark even to ourselves but it was true even then i know it was true. so are we back to the start i feel differnt is there still somthing keeping us apart. dont worry if i wisper it to you its only for me and you and its still true i love you
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okay cool i think i posted something
please PLEASE tell me what happened!
Your sisters are so pretty :)
WHere are you ? :'(
Hey, u havent written in a while. Why don't u write something new? =]
hey what's up?

I'm bored haha =]
Lol, Tara, you are evil =P

Same here, not much =] Had rock climbing today, so that was fun, but it always is =D
arrrggggghhhhhhh evil run :)

and cool about rock climbing

lol i'ma ninja :3
Lolz, cool =] whatever you say Jake XD Hehe

Yea, rock climbing is awesome, have you been before?
take theselines and read between

my secrite word left unseen

a place for only me

a place where love is free

come be with me

between these lines
i need this job, so i can get the money to make my dad go down home, so he can look for a job. and so i can be with you... i miss you
naaw :S
sorry tara theres nothing to say
talk to me
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dark.saint