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Happy 10th anniversary!!
Wow. I've totally lost track of time with holidays and work travels. But finally.....I'm back in my home for good! I moved in a few days before Christmas, which is why I haven't been around lately. It's been a long 5 months since my house flooded, and I still have a few boxes to unpack, but I'm finally sleeping in my own bed again. And now I can play more on WDC. Life is good! *Heart* *House* *Heart*
Woo hoo! You picked a good day to come back. I'll follow Os in wishing you a WDC Happy Anniversary!
Welcome back and Happy WdC Anniversary!! *Smile*
Haha. It was good timing, huh? I knew it was some time in January but couldn't remember the date. Thank you all so much! I'm so very happy to have found this lovely corner of the interwebs 8 years ago. *Heart*
Hi Kenzie! I hope you are having as much fun with the 10th anniversary of the Angel Army as I am! So happy you are in the group! It has been a wonderful two years that I have been apart of it. Have a great day!
  •   1 comment
Thank you so very much! This has been such a fun week, and I'm also so blessed to be a part of such a fabulous group with you. Hope you have a wonderful day as well!!! *Heart*
Hi Kenzie!

I'm dropping by your angelic abode to celebrate The WDC Angel Army  's 10th Anniversary with you!

May your halo shine bright
As you flit round this site
Spreading cheer and delight
To us all, day and night! *Angelic*

  •   1 comment
Thank you so very much! This has been a fun week! *BigSmile*
*Balloong**Balloony*Happy 10th Anniversary, "The WDC Angel Army!!*BalloonY**BalloonG*

Everyone should head over to "Note: Coffee? *Checkg* Heater? *Checkg* Erran..."
to celebrate, earn some GPs, and possibly walk away with an MB.
This particular task ends tonight at 11:59PM WDC time!

Heaven gained another *Angel* early this morning. *Heart* I hope they know what's in store for them. My grandma was quite feisty. *BigSmile*
Aw Kenzie, my deepest condolences. *Hug1**Cry**Hug2* You and your family are in my prayers.... *Heart*
Yes, Gramdmas are the best, and I am sure you have a thousand wonderful memories to cherish. I'm sorry for your loss, Kenzie.

Hugs and love~Hannah *Hug*
I'm so sorry, Kenzie *Hug1**Sad**Hug2*.
And 2016 continues its terrible curse. The day I moved back into my house after it flooded is the day I had to come to terms with the fact that my grandmother is dying and likely won't last the week. *Cry* We've been waiting and expecting this time to come for the last 2 years, but I've realized that despite all preparation, you are never ready to say goodbye to a loved one, even when it's the best thing for them. Love you, Grandma. *Heart*
I'm so sorry, I remember when my Grammy passed away.... It was this month four years ago.... I will be praying for you and your family. *Heart*
Thank you all so much. *Heart* She always talks about 'making memories,' and I'm so blessed to have almost 32 years of memories with her. I just want her to be at peace.
House/NaNo update...

*House* I'm kinda bummed I'm not going to be able to complete the 50k for NaNoWriMo, but something even better has kept me from writing: I moved back into my house yesterday!!! It's nowhere near 100%, but the house is livable. Floors were finally installed last week. Since then, I've been cleaning and scrubbing, and slowly, the furniture is being returned to their rightful spots.

Last night was my first night in my house since August 13th thanks to the flood, so while I won't be hitting 50k words in my novel, I will now be at home and in a much better mental (and physical) place to continue my writing (and hopefully increase my activity on WDC once again!).

Happy Monday, and have a wonderful week everyone!! *BigSmile*
I'm so glad for you, Kenzie! That is way better than finishing Nano. I wish it could have been both, but this is a huge blessing. ♥
Thanks so much Hannah ♫♥♫ !! I'm just so ready to get my life back to normal. November has just never been a good month for me when it comes to NaNo. Usually I'm sick, so I much prefer this reason for not finishing. *BigSmile*
A tale of a NaNo Saturday.....

I need to write....but football!
I need to write....but football!!
I need to write....but football!!!
I need to write....OOH! NaNoWordSprints is doing NaNo House Cup sprints in 30 minutes!

Hey, I'll take the motivation wherever I can. *Laugh* #SlytherinForTheWin
I'm so proud of myself for actually staying ahead of the game in NaNoWriMo. Over 6300 words in three days! This has never happened before. In honor of the presale of the "Hamilton" Mixtape beginning today, I'm sharing some of the lyrics from the musical's popular song, "Non-Stop." I feel like this is our theme song for the month:

How do you write like you’re
Running out of time?
Write day and night like you’re
Running out of time?
Ev’ry day you fight like you’re
Running out of time like you’re
Running out of time
Are you running out of time?
How do you write like tomorrow won’t arrive?
How do you write like you need it to survive?
How do you write ev’ry second you’re alive?
Ev’ry second you’re alive? Ev’ry second you’re alive?

Happy Day 4 of NaNoWriMo! Keep on writing non-stop, everyone!!!
  •   1 comment
Congrats on your word count Kenzie! *Smile*
Well, I had planned on writing more last night. I totally blame the Cubbies! I'm not even that much of a baseball fan, but I watched that whole game. At least I have a write-in with my local NaNo group tonight. Writing all the words!!! *BigSmile*
Update on the progress of my house post-flood, NaNoWriMo progress, and expressing my love for all things music thanks to a prompt from "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum *BigSmile*

I've added a new entry to my book, "Invalid Item:
         "Invalid Entry
Happy Day 2 of NaNoWriMo!!!!
For all of those participating, congrats on surviving Day 1!
I hope it was everything you expected and more:
Goals reached
Characters tortured
Fun had

Maybe, like me, you participated in a sprint or two.
Or mabye you just started writing and never stopped.
Whatever your process, I wish you well on your month's journey.

*BalloonB**BalloonG* Happy NaNoWriMo everyone! *BalloonG**BalloonB*

I hope everyone is off to a great start! I love going to Twitter and participating in the word sprints from the official NaNo accounts. Last night, I used the sprint time to flesh out more of my characters and plot. It's nice having an idea of where it's all going. Good luck to everyone who has started writing! In addition to participating in WDC's "NaNoWriMo Write-A-Thon, I'd suggest signing in to the main NaNoWriMo website and checking out your local groups to see if they have any write-ins during the month. It's a chance to meet up with local writers, make new friends, and perhaps even get some helpful feedback or inspiration for your own novel! Once again, good luck and happy writing to all, whether you NaNo or not!

And I am still in need of a sponsor, if anyone is interested. *BigSmile*

I just signed up for "NaNoWriMo Write-A-Thon, and I'm so excited! *Pencil* I can't wait for my local group's write-in tomorrow evening to kick off this awesome month. I am in need of a sponsor or two, if anyone is interested. *BigSmile* Good luck to all participants, and thank you to all of the sponsors out there!!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dark_rose222