Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/derpatron
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride Month everyone!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
I still need to update the reference, but text wise, everything ought to be ready for me to make this public again:
 Surviving Spectrum Bay  (GC)
Pick a citizen and try and make it through the day without incident.
also, i'm so sorry for everyone who's inboxes were spammed due to edit notices
Apologies for anyone getting a bunch of emails about edits from my stories.

Having to do some reworking in accordance with a friend's wishes. as well as make some edits i been meaning to get around to
I've made this public again after making some edits at the request of a close friend:
Malleable Mother  (18+)
The mother of a squishy, gummy boy experiences a similar problem.

i'm just waiting to hear back from someone else before i'm able to finish editing my last story and then i'll make it public again, too
im just waiting to hear back from a friend before i figure out where to go with my other story
i've made squishy girl public again, but i've accidentally removed the credits of the original writers of some of the chapters
i deeply apologize, and i will make sure to rectify and fix this as soon as possible
im gonna miss the sense of community, but ive decided against making a new discord server

for the time being, i'd rather just share things i've made privately with friends and exchange ideas similarly
my discord server got borked, along with my account and those of my friends cus someone snitched

my new discord account is notderpus

debating whether i'll be making a new server or not
gonna be editing some of my stories, so some of them are going to be unavailable for a bit

i'll put them back up later, so don't worry
Happy new year Derpus! hope you have a great one!
  •   1 comment
Awww, thank you :>
Happy anniversary
*Balloonr* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Balloong*

*BalloonB* *Party* *ConfettiG* *BalloonO* *BalloonB* *ConfettiB* *BalloonP* *ConfettiO* *BalloonB* *BalloonR* *ConfettiR* *BalloonV*
happy post-vore day everyone! 💩
happy vore day, everyone

From today until next Wednesday (5/17), I'll be giving 1,000 GP for each chapter added to the following stories involving mothers.


If you have any questions about the characters, feel free to ask me.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/derpatron