Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/eisakamber
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Just found out that I will never have the opportunity to talk (type) to one of my favourite writing.com teachers ever again. Every time I sit down at the keyboard I think of her and I took it for granted that I would always be able to email her. I'm sorry Rixy. May you rest in peace.


Even then thanks dear, i hope if u find some one eligible u will definitely refer my work.

stay blessed.

from reviewing page of WDC i came to know that you are one of the most active reviewer. i hereby put you a request to read, rate and review my three items' port. i shall be obliged at this act of kindness.

I want to thank the person that just gave me a gift of an upgraded membership, you have remained anonymous so I can't thank you personally, but I hope that you might read this an see how grateful I am.
The same thing happened to me when I joined. It really made me feel special.
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/eisakamber