Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/freakydaughter
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Back to working the literary street corner.
Good Lord ! I had no idea there were so many items in my favorites list that I needed to write a review for !
Yeah... I am so being a GP whore today. With writing.com practically giving them away I'm reviewing like crazy.
  •   1 comment
I'm throwing out reviews like I'm Oprah. "You get a review...and you get a review..." !
Really no other takers?
Maybe? Whats the matter? Don't you think you will be pretty enough in this body to become a celebrity napo?
Lol! I know I will be pretty! Good luck in your Anne Hathaway body, you will have a serious problem with the role-net.
I’d volunteer for it
Who would swap bodies with me?
depends, is it healthy? what medical issues are at steak? I'm certain you wouldn't want to swap with me. Too much pain.
Well ElfinDragon besides mild asthma and the wear and tear of living on this earth for 47 years it is pretty healthy.
Hey, I'll take that over what I have any day! I'm only 1 year younger than you and sometimes feel 20 years older. Like I said, doubt you'd want to live with all the medical issues I've got. I wouldn't want to wish it on my worst enemy. Course in 46 years I think I only have one.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/freakydaughter