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Happy anniversary šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‰
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Thank you so much!!!
*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*
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Thank you!!!!
*PartyhatO* *Cupcakey* *PartyhatO* *Cupcakey* *PartyhatO* *Cupcakey* *PartyhatO* *Cupcakey* *PartyhatO* *Cupcakey*
*PartyhatO* *Cupcakey**PartyhatO* *Cupcakey* Happy Belated Birthday!!! *PartyhatO* *Cupcakey**PartyhatO* *Cupcakey*
*PartyhatO* *Cupcakey* *PartyhatO* *Cupcakey* *PartyhatO* *Cupcakey* *PartyhatO* *Cupcakey* *PartyhatO* *Cupcakey*
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Thank you so much, Cub-bee !!!
Does anyone know anything about SciFidea? It popped up as a sponsored link on profile. Just wondering what others know about the site?

Thanks. I was hoping to get personal experiences from a known community though, so if anyone does have experience with SciFidea, let me know *BigSmile*
The following is my opinion only, and is based on people I know who have used it, and the reports in writing online sites.

Science fiction version of Wattpad, essentially. You sign your work to them, and they can act "on your behalf". Are in the "potentially avoid" category of online writing sites. Not done enough to get a full-on "avoid" (like Wattpad is now considered), but getting there.

They are just another site that promises money for views, but makes writers jump through hoops before they deliver.

Yes, the odd person here or there gets rich and famous through Wattpad and DS, bit the vast majority do not. It is a form of self-publishing, there is no editorial oversight, there is just post and hope.

I have not done it personally, but two people in one of my writers groups tried it out because of the sponsored advert on a Google search, and they regret it.
Thank you for sharing! I appreciate it.
My characters need a quest. They are currently questless and are getting serious cabin fever in their stagnant plot. Attempted writing a stream of consciousnessā€¦ promptsā€¦ WRITERS BLOCK SUCKS.
Alas, another moment where one is reminded of what those auditing Google Searches must think when they look at a writerā€™s historyā€¦.

I promise Googleā€¦ its all research in the name of fictionā€¦.

Maybe for this story, I should consider research using DuckDuck Goā€¦.
Almost a year ago, I moved from the big city to a wannabe city. I am not adjusting. People wonder why I love the city, with the constant crime, crazy people on the subway, and the insanity of trying to figure out how to actually save money when paying outrageous amounts for rent on an apartment barely 400 square feet. The answer? I miss old towering buildings, dark wooden paneling in old colonial bars, libraries built before the first world war. I am desperately in need of hidden hidey-holes designed with seating that looks like hideous random modern art meant for the passerby to sit and enjoy a moment of contemplation and people watching, and I miss exploring new neighborhoods and constantly changing neighborhoods that allow for new discoveries of those random hidey-holes. I never struggled to find inspiration in the city. I never struggled with feeling like I belonged. And here I am, a good job which actually happens to be a terrible match for me, and I can't even find a happy place I can cozy up and just create. Dear I say it, but even Barnes and Noble in this place feels flooded with the white lighting bouncing off even whiter walls. It isn't pleasant.

Why am I so reliant on ambiance for inspiration? Is it because this place is lacking opportunities to experience culture and life? Am I city snob? Am I just a moody creative in need of a slap in the face? Am I just 1990's emo kid having a midlife crisis?

Alas... I miss the city. And needed a place too vent. Thanks for reading. *FacePalm*
I'm just the opposite and felt the same way while living in a city. I could not find a place that inspired me, perhaps I was overwhelmed by everything. For me, exploring the woods, lakes, and nature, looking for a remote spot to relax and cozy up (especially with a fire crackling) is all that I longed for.
Happy anniversary šŸŽ‰
  •   1 comment
Thank you much!!
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

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Thank you so much! I love the trinkets!!!
Happy birthday
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Thank you!!!
So, here's a Freundian moment for one to consider, if you should be so inclined... I "interviewed" my characters because I am feeling a bit stuck in plot development, and discovered one of them really hates me. Seriously, he is so angry at me for destroying his family just for the sake of plot, that he threatened to depart the story all together. Then I reminded him that even now, he is all in my head, which just pissed him off even more....

So... reach into your inner Freud and tell me: should I be proud that my character has "taken on a mind of his own," or worried that I can have a fully imagined conversation with my character, who so easily expresses his hatred towards me me for purposely making his tragic life a plot device?

Or maybe a little bit of both with a side order for a mental health check???
Make him more miserable. See how he likes that.

They talk to me too.
My characters do things all the time they're not supposed to. I had a couple, did their meet-cute, they fought a demon... and the male died. He sacrificed himself! He wasn't supposed to do that, because I had a sequel in mind.

I like to say I do not tell stories - characters live in my mind and I simply tell their story.

That's one of the reasons why I am a pantser.
This sounds perfectly normal for a writer.

They speak/argue with me also.
Quarantined for five days and apparently experiencing writer's block... Anyone have a muse they want to lend me? I promise to return her. Mine decided that she didn't want to be stuck inside for five days and high tailed it out of here....

happy anniversary
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Thank you so much!!!
Happy 9th anniversary, InkSpout!
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Thank you so much, Lynn Nichole !
Got a plot hole waiting to be filled if anyone is up for it!

Due to a curse, the majority of the world is now living in an altered reality (think Once Upon a Timeā€¦but not so nice and much more complicated). You are related to the individual who performed the curse. You remember both realities and every day is a struggle to compartmentalize which history belongs to which reality.

My plot hole: Why are you the only person who remembers both realities?
You are the person who performed the curse.

Curses are chaotic things by nature, so there are unintended consequences beyond your control.

One of those consequences is that, although you do (as the caster of the curse) remember the previous reality, in creating an alternate reality you also created an alternate version of yourself.

This alternate version of yourself has to exist because you cannot create a reality without yourself in it

However (again because curses are chaotic), you do not recognize this alternate version of you as you and believe instead to be related to this person.

Knowledge of this dynamic would likely result in an active paradox, which would likely ensue further chaos (likely due to your own actions or the actions of your alternate self if they were to also become aware of this dynamic).
Wow Lynn Nichole ! I love that plot! I am actually exploring the chaotic nature of the curse, but honestly, I think you got a great story going! For me, the individual who remembers both realities is the protagonist and a foil for the antagonist. But, would you write that story? Pretty please?? *Pray* If you did, I would be happy to be the first reader/reviewer!!! *Reading* *StarStruck*
Lol, InkSpout ! I do actually have a plot in the making that involves characters encountering alternate versions of themselves and navigating some of the complexities of that dynamic. I'm hoping to do a lot more writing in the coming three months, so I'll likely get a chance to develop that concept further. As I do, I'll keep you in mind and let you know when I upload pieces related to that story. ; )
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/inkspout