Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/jimjam3442
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My entry to the fill in the blanks contest.

Once upon a time, there was a great leader who wanted his people to be the smartest, strongest, most wealthy people on Earth. Everyday, The Great Leader went out to the balcony of his palace and spoke to thousands of them. But instead of tell the truth, The Great Leader would lie to his people, making everyone believe that they really were the greatest, when in fact they were not. One day, a soldier escaped The Great Leader's Kingdom, being mortally wounded by his own brothers during his daring attempt. On his death bed, the soldier told the rest of the world how horrible his country really was, without his Leader's lies there to trick them. Because of that, The Great Leader decided to punish his people by telling them even more lies, ending their contact with the rest of the world so they wouldn't hear the truth the soldier had revealed. Over time, things got so bad for the people living in The Great Leader's kingdom that the rest of the world decided it had to step in. They went to The Great Leader's country and told his people what things were really like until everyone decided he wasn't such a great leader afterall. Finally, after watching his country's legacy fade, and his people learn to hate him, the once great leader decided he could do only one thing. So he used the most powerful weapon he had to destroy himself, and all the people that once belonged to him, in a final flash of light: so that the world would forever remember, that 'he' was the last great ruler, of a once great Kingdom.
Every Chapter has been updated with the edits I've made over the last year. Enjoy!
Added a new profile picture. It's the only way I could get the map for Crystal Keepers on the website!
Chapter 1 has been re-uploaded with massive changes. If there is anyone left out there who read the original and remembers it, they might want to give this a second look. ;)

"The Crystal Keepers CH.1 PART 1
Well we got to thirty views quicker than I thought!
Chapter 7 is now up!
We're at 24 views! New chapter at 30!
Okay, just updated Chapter 6.
I hope no-one was offended by my horrible grammar!
Wow can't believe it's been nearly a month since my last update!

I have been working hard on my story and am finally back! I have updated all the chapters here. Another thing different is the Prologue no longer is required as part of the story, so Chapter 1 is now where it begins.

Chapter 1 has gone through story changes, specifically the final scene.

Chapter 4 and 5 have been updated much better than they were before to make sense with the rest of the story.

Chapter 2 and 3 got minor edits.

Chapter 6 will be up now also.

Chapter 7 is also ready, and I think once I can get 30 views I'll post the next part immediately. 'If' I can get thirty views lol. If not, I'll put it up soon.
So, if I get to the end and really want you to post chapter 8, all I have to do is view chapter 7 thirty times right? *Bigsmile* Just kidding. Can't wait to read all the re-writes! *Coffee*
You can do that! I like seeing big numbers! Lol.
Just wanted to say also I can't wait to hear what you think of the new scene at the end of chapter 1. There were very few people who didn't like it, but me and you were two of them. I think the new version fits better with everything else, so thanks for pointing it out all that time ago!
Okay, after about 12 hours of straight working on it, (not joking)
I have fully finished re-writing the beginning to Chapter 1. We now go a little further back in time and learn of what caused Manie to run away in the first place. I also edited the end of my prologue to not sound so cliche', as well as many small additions to clarify some things throughout Chapter 1.
Thanks to the reviewers for their wonderful help. Your suggestions definitely don't fall on deaf ears!
I hope you all enjoy :)
Prologue, Chapter 1,2, and 3 all got a round of fresh grammar edits. No story changes.
Just updated Chapter 5. Added a small part in the beginning, as well as better descriptions throughout. If you missed these changes, I would recommend re-reading, as I think it is much better now. :)
Chapter 5 is up! even though its a few hours late... I tried my best, please enjoy:)
Okay, just edited chapter 4... again.

Mostly for clarity, no story edits.

I'm beginning work on editing up chapter 5, so it should be here soon! tonight or tomorrow!
Another round of edits for Prologue, Chapter 1, and 2.

Slight edits, mainly for clarity.

Chapter 5 soon!
Just updated chapter 4.

Ahhh, feels good to be fully updated to where I'm happy.
Thanks to all the readers and reviewers who helped me get here, I have learned a-lot.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/jimjam3442