Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kidinmazk
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Hello there, Tom can either be alive or dead, I'll leave an opening for you to add that in later if you'd like. As far as the storyline goes, basically, at some point Kiba will meet Tera and Neil. After that they'll work with the anthros that are sheltering them to take down Deluma. The thing is, after all is said and done they either go home, or star new lives in the anthro world while Deluma plots for revenge.
Hiya! Thanks for reading and adding onto my story! I definitely like your work, there is a bit of room for improvement along the lines of grammar, but hey, I'm not perfect either. I like your writing style because it makes it very easy to 'paint the scene' in my mind, so awesome work there! As far as the mix ups in the story lines, yeah I noticed one that you actually covered up for me with the whole "sorry, I got mixed up 'cause that never happened" scene. The thing is that this story is based off of a book I wrote awhile back but it had sooooo many concepts and possible storylines that there was no way for me to write it as an actual book and be happy with it, so I posted it here where I could literally write out everything I originally wanted to in the book. However, the problem I'm having write now is keeping all my storylines straight because they're all over the place in my head lol. You'll see some crossovers and different characters appearing in different storylines in the coming chapters as part of the plot. So thanks for reading and writing, I always look forward to reading your chapters every night after work! And thanks for watching that memo in hat chapter, you'll be able to add to it once I get the plot going in the direction I want it too. It's just that that's the 'main storyline' and I keep getting emails and requests about that one.
I like to make good additions.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kidinmazk