Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kimoff
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Oohhhh, emoticons! *skier*
Well, after an eight month hiatus, I'm back, and man does it feel good. Wrote a shorty for the Daily Flash Fiction contest. Nothing like getting back in the saddle. Looking forward to a great year. I may not have written much in 2013, but I did plenty of stuff that I can write about FOR YEARS! Hope everyone had a great holiday!

I'm sorry to hear of your situation and will keep you and your family in my prayers. May you find kindness and strength in the days ahead.
I'm sending positive vibes your way. I hope all works out well, and I'll keep your family in my prayers. *Smile*
Published? Did someone say 'PUBLISHED'? Tell all!! Oh...and CONGRATULATIONS!
hi kim get well soon I will be back tomorrow to review i don't have anough time tonight my bed time's in 20 min
Here is a nice warm cup of Elven Tea for you! *CoffeeG*

And also a nice piece of cake! *CakeP*

Also your reviews I sent you were wrapped in this gift! *GiftP*
Hi kim I hope you feel better soon
Welcome to the "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group ! *Star* It's great to have you! Happy reviewing! *Smile*
Welcome to "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group - great to have you on board!
Congratulations on your Honourable Mention in the "Invalid Item competition. *Smile*
Hey! Nice to see that new suitcase on ya!! Congrats!
*Partyhaty**Partyhatv*Are you sick? You look a little under the weather, a little YELLOW! Congratulations on your promotion! *Rainbowl**Rainbowr*

Hello you! Ihad to drop by your notebook and leave a little scribble. I mirror all the other lovely things written abou you too. It couldn't have happpened to a lovelier person. Congratulaions!

Congrats on the yellow!!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kimoff