Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/krichmond86
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

I'm The Dark Faery *Fairy3*

Welcoming you to WDC.
Keep on writing.

from the challenge of Wonderland one step closer to white/red queen/king.
Hello there krichmond86!

I'm hopping around different notebooks and ports today thanks to a challenge I took on to bring me one step closer to White/Red Queen/King *Cheshire*. It's great to hop on in to visit you!
  •   1 comment
Hi. Thanks for the visit. Have fun with your challenge.
*Balloonp**Tea*Helloooooo from my place at the bottom of the rabbit hole in "Wonderland . Hopping in with a welcome and *Teag* as well as delicious
*Strawberry* Tarts given you by the Knave of Hearts! *Heartb*

*MushroomO* Thanks for sharing your unique expressions and introducing yourself in a bio block! That is like a little *Doorgr* that puts your flair out there and through which we are invited to enter your world.

*Thumbsup*Yay you for jumping right into reviewing! It is a vital aspect of our community and much appreciated. *Heart*

*Strawberry*If your reviews have 250 letter characters or more, WDC gifts you incentive gift points that you can share or save for membership! And if you have a lot to say like most of us addicted wordsmiths here you will want more room in your port!. *Delight*

*Strawberry* And check out this magic:

*Shock2* If you go to the side bar and Click on MY ACCOUNT, then click on Achievements, magic happens in your port in the community section! *Wand* It is not magic like eating a mushroom to grow taller or running a caucus race but it gives a boost to your status! *Laugh*

*Sun**Rabbit2* Have a hopping great day and My you always be on time!*Clock* Not like that White Rabbit! *Rabbit3*

*Blueberries* We are a friendly bunch so shout out loud if you have any questions!

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

I am currently involved in the Wonderland Project in WdC and my latest assignment is to visit newbies and leave them a message. As part of this, I am contacting newbies wherever I can find them and announcing,"tarts given to you from the Knave of Hearts". Welcome to Writing dot Com! *Smile*
Welcome to Writing.com! It's good to have you here. I hope you find your way around and discover all kinds of new things and people. There's so much to do here and so many people to meet. Feel free to ask any questions. Everybody is kind and more than willing to help you out. All you have to do is ask.

Again, welcome!
Thanks! Just learning how to navigate things now. I appreciate it.
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/krichmond86