Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ladybug58
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Hello, right now I am feeling alone and confused. Every time I think I am getting ahead something happens that lets me know I am not as far along as I think I am.
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I've had that happen.Last year I got hit with three things that could have brought me down.

I now think of it as a unpredictable roller coaster ride. Sometimes it's thrilling, sometimes it's not such fun, but you just have to hang on and consider it another adventure.
OK, so, July 1st was my wedding day. It was a glorious time. In spite of the fact that hubby had to drive back home because he forgot the ring. One of the first things we learned about being married is that it takes work. Another thing we learned was a new language. We had to learn french, it was no longer I, but we (oui). Anyone out there that is planning on taking this step, make sure you are sure about it. Don't just step into it all "Willie Nillie", as Frederick the entertainer would say. Being a child of the most high God, living together was not an option. Just know that, if this is something you plan on doing in the very near, or far future, let God lead and guide you.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ladybug58