Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/lcultraviolet
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
nope. shakes head. you've been a very baaad girl dutchy. you can stay there. and no cookie crumbs for you!
Hey!! *sniff* I thought you were my friend. Not even a Tim Tam cookie crumb?
Nice effort in the Review Frenzy! Now get to work and revise all these chapters Kurt, Ralene and Tania shredded to pieces. LOL
*scribble scribble* *Smirk* *scribble scribble scribble*
Thanks for giving me a notebook comment. Hope you are coming along

with "The Silver Strand". It's got great possibilities. And hope you are

getting alot out of YA Novel Workshop.
I am in YA mainly for Hanna--and when she got overwhelmed with school work, I decided to take a break. I'm not at all sure I am any help to you guys. And life has a way of busting up any plans I make. But I'm planning to be back in June. Are you doing this month's workshop--I think I'm going to.

Glad to hear from you JoDe. Is Hanna your daughter? (Don't think I've spoken to her.) Aint life's challenges grand. Definately doing this month's workshop. It's about time I dusted off the old synopsis haha! You?
Louisa - you are awesomeness personified. Uh-oh, it's Lady Pink again!
Aww shucks...blush. Thanks Jay. Now I see why Lill Pink's such a fan *Wink* you're so nice ***gush gush*** haha
Isn't he AWESOME? I'm his biggest fan. *Wink*
Hi there Icultraviolet...*Smile*...Can I be your friend? *Heart* I know Jay and Kurt, they are AWESOME!!!
Jay hides from me too! On Inkpop. I think he is shy **giggle** Thats where we met
In other words....where she began stalking him *Bigsmile*
What a cheeky rascal! So you like Jay's work huh? Since I'm his stalker, I can break one of his windows for you because he's avoiding you on Inkpop? That'll teach him for being too good for his fans
Hello.... I'm your biggest fan*Smile*
Settle children. No need to fight over me. How about I let you all be co-presidents of my fan club? Hahaha
I call dibs as right hand woman!
Oh cool! I just figured out how to do this! Awesome! And, you get to choose different colors!!!! *Bigsmile*
Louisa!! I can see someone else had too much time on his hands and left you a comment before me. *Rolleyes* *Laugh*

I'm your fan! Doesn't it feel great to have fans? *Bigsmile*
Hi mate! I'm now your official fan...lol...and the first to make a comment in your groovy new note book :)
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/lcultraviolet