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 Fairy Tale Mix Up  (E)
Creating a new story using four classic fairy tales.
#2202156 by Luarel Montgommery
So I decided I wanted to attempt to make a mashup of remade fairy tales. I'm mixing four classic tales and would like opinions of what those fairy tales should be
Hansel & Gretel, Rupunzel, Snow White, & The Little Mermaid (yes, that was a Grimms Tale before it was a Disney movie)
Frozen Cinderella Snow White and The Little Mermaid
To everyone who is interested in this post, I just created a mini contest to help give back to other authors.

 Fairy Tale Mix Up  (E)
Creating a new story using four classic fairy tales.
#2202156 by Luarel Montgommery
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/lyracaster