Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mchief506
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Hello people! Sorry, I've not been active much. I guess this is me giving an update! I'm still trying hard and also pick back up in this new identity change and, once again, perspective on not just for myself it's for also how people will see me in the future. I'm just making this post to say I've made my three other stories as of now private! Now will they return..I can't say, but if they did, I'd be revising the FORKING HELL out of them..and maybe give them an entirely new setting for another. I did have new profiles set up for one..never got back to finishing another. However, again, I don't want to make any promises to you all, and say they be back very soon. I'm glad to have made friends here and have a few people like the stuff I've made of that I do find myself better to be ok/proud of...in some stories.

SO, WHERE AM I GOING FROM HERE? Well, I guess for one. I've been on the fence and leaning towards creating a new profile to signify more of my positive change! And better or worse. Say goodbye by deleting this profile to the old me, who I want to bury. But I do find it say to be giving up history. (If that makes any sense) Yet I know it be for the better. Obviously, I figured I would move "MY" stories to that new one and keep them still private until I feel comfortable enough after revise everything to make them public again...(If that ever happens? *Yikes*) or they stay in the Vault.

Now, when I mean "My" stories, I do intend to remake the TDI one for the public. I'm making one dummy account to send it there and make it public for everyone to have. The only thing that is personal about that story to me was the second creator, who was very nice and I just chatted with back then. So yeah, that's all I will say about that story.

I thank everyone for the support if anyone cares. But I've been happy with the small size/transformation community that accepted me for the most part.
  •   1 comment
Hey, for what it's worth, i've been lurking around and have been enjoying your chapters for whenever they come out, and i'd like to say that i've always loved your stuff. its sad to see your stuff disappear from this site too, as so many other interactives have become lost media from this site, due to the way things are. just a while ago i was reading your old work on pliable sarah on the "other" site, and i came over to check out if you had any new chapters, and saw this post.

i wish you the best, and i hope the original interactives can be preserved in a more permanent manner than they currently are. if you'd ask me, i'd say i'd prefer if you didnt delete this profile, and just made a new one to put revised interactives on, but the call is obviously yours to make.

thanks for everything you've done for this community *Heart*
see above.

Happy Account Anniversary!
Kindest Regards, Lilli
*Giftp* *Giftt* *GiftV* *Giftp* *Giftt* *GiftV*
*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*
hey everyone! So, I know there might be a few fans of the Total Drama story; someone was getting into it! An while it isn't my OG story I'm setting it to private for now. IDK if it'll return or I might set up a new profile to put it on? But for now it temporary gone if you do enjoy the story and such let me know because I'd hate to take it away from everyone who did enjoy it
another quick post! I added New bios to Yuu's step mom and step sister with links to art work! Soon to have Suki's mom, NOW older sister, and sexy shrinking aunt soon!
Hello all! I figured I'd just let everyone know a few things I have planned for this year and moving forward. So first, I'm trying to start over and reshape how I wanna be seen on the internet going forward and also pursuing other big things. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop writing, as my goal for this year is actually to get a lot more done, hopefully. However, as I think many know me for not showing much thought or care into writing a **subject**, I've come half towards the end of last year after writing one too *FacePalm* to really feel shameful about it now, and rather than deleting so many years I have with this profile and start fresh. I've been asking the respective owners to delete any and all chapters I probably have done in the past. I know I have the burden that some may have it backed up, or my past misdeeds might resurface. But I had to learn that it was something I did do, and now I do not wanna be seen like that anymore.

As for my stories! Many of you have already seen that I've been working on the rewrite bios for my (MFA) story, making everyone 18 or older. But I think I will, if everyone's ok, make the work that normal characters of the anime are above 18 that works for everyone? Or can I just keep it character-based? But I'd like to keep the anime in it, I'm still trying to figure out the best scenario.

Now for the big one, Sarah! I know I have a yearly birthday story event for her, as she is my OC and one I care for a lot!! An what I wanna do with her. I think it brings her way above just her story and what I wanna envision for her to be known as something more positive, if possible! So, for Sarah's story, My big one is possibly Sarah not being the main character, and maybe have it be her cousin or something. I just trying to decide if I should keep Sarah in it? Again to use her for something more and better. But for the rest, I'm still working on everything right now for her story, and giving it the entire rework is going to be a lo or workt!! Yet it now be better not only 18 and older only, but a few new characters. I helped make the past be from the other stories and be all above what I think readers be ok with so everyone can see I'm trying to show I'm not who I was before, and now I can show Sarah's old story proudly and not feel shameful about it like it is now and how I did a bit before. I know it is going to take time to show not just all of you here. But anyone else who reads this! I hope you all understand.
Hey peeps sorry if any one expecting a MFA chapter. I was adding Kazumi new bio and pic link to see the hot mommy. But I also fixed Akiko and Niko bios. Doing The last of Yuu's Family and working on Suki family bio her mom and sister as well as adding the new bio for new teacher Aunt who can shrink things and people. so look forward to that. Thank you all
Well, I hope everyone is doing well in 2023! Crazy how fast time is flying and I'm here again for Sarah's Birthday! *Care* Well I haven't been active as much as I'm hoping I'm still proud what I accomplished and still trying to do for you all and myself. I'm glad you all enjoy some of my work that is out there, and I hope any may add to Sarah story for this event this year. But it will also go with Caylee story so any Sarah chapters I'm giving 2500GP for chapters and Caylee story is 2000GP! *Heart* I hope any can add! I'd love to really try working to go off others work then my own
To anyone wondering if Bully got new chapter! the answer is no! But I'm working on one today! I actually added Ava Link below her Bio: so if you didn't check it out I'm providing link here too! :D You should be also able to see Caylee,Claudia, and Cristy if you check out the story! I hope you all like Ava's design of thickness! I'm slowly getting every one done! Also I haven;t forgotten about MFA and those pics for ref too so stay tuned! *Heart*
I'm having a short GP Giveaway of 2000 to anyone who like it for addition to A Ductile Bully! I been trying to slowly write out some chapters and also get back into the swing or other stuff. But any chapters by my fellow writers of the community I'd love to see! *Heart* Thank you all

A Ductile Bully  (18+)
A periodic bully learns life gets more complicated after she turns tiny and squishable.
#2246885 by DeadRisen5
To get some traction, I'd suggest supplying a link to the item:


where xxxxxxxx is the item's ID number (no hashtag).
i'll try and give it a shot sometime within the next few days
a question for everyone to comment on! My brain just going with ideas right now..XD and I still got bully story to work on. But what do you all feel about a story set in A shrunken intern or One foot tall fiance but F/F based, would you like it set in real world setting or a twist on that setting already but its an Iseki in the modern day.
A special day is coming up for you this month.

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

Hey all, just letting you know! I got alot of feed back and I see that the intro was kind of long! XD and it better to be split into options for the family. So I'm going edit them up! into choices for each.
It's finally up at long last! Granted it's just the intro rn. XD But I put a lot of work into it try to make you feel like you starting her day, and if I didn't push myself to trying to get it out. I'd been at it forever and the intro been probably longer then it is currently! But I'm working on the first choice intro for you all! *Heart* Then be working on more to get a few chapters up. I hope to see anyone add when then can? And again hope you enjoy. https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2246885-A-Ductile-Bully
Hello once again, sorry I'm late! But it's that time again for Sarah's Birthday Extravaganza! Starting from now until the 28th, any and all Additions to her story I'll be gifting 1200GP. So if you have time please stop by on the story to add!! *Heart*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mchief506