Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mikema63
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
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Gemini huh. *Smile*
Btw its amazing to see a fellow author only 6 years elder than you having interest in Detective and Sci fi though I have actually never written Sci-fi and you are a Gemini!! *Bigsmile* Me too
I am extremely sorry about the first incomplete review. I will make sure that wont happen again and that you are not offended.
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For a few minor mistakes.
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Proofread with gramerly.com
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A major rewrite of the scene in the apartment, changed up the characters some, rewrote the story, strengthened the sci-fi element.

Next up is working on my punctuation and grammar errors and cleaning the rough edges where things didn't go in quite right.
Let's see your bio.
Don't be shy. :)
Oh looky some kind of blog thingy?
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mikema63