Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/nightguy_1961
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
I have been away from WdC due to starting a new job. It is in the evenings & weekends, so my time here may be limited *Sad*

Hopefully, things will settle down and I can start writing/reviewing again on a regular basis.

Keep the faith, freedom fighters... *Reading*
I am humbled at this moment...I entered a story in the Horror, Inc. The Daily Slice contest and I was awarded 1st place.

Thank you to all who read and sent reviews...again, I am honored
Well done! Congratulations!
I don't consider myself to be a 'writer' in the classic sense of the word. My mechanics need some serious overhauling; my vocabulary is rusty.

I DO consider myself to be a storyteller. I believe that there is a difference between a writer and a storyteller. Don't ask me to explain it, I just do
The 3 greatest storytellers in my life:
Ray Bradbury
Steven King
My Grandfather, R W Newsome

My grandfather could weave a story so good, you could feel what was happening
FYI - yes, I do lean towards horror and the unknown.

But I have found out that what can really send a chill up the spine is telling a story of what could happen (real people/situations).

I ask you what seems more frightening: an imaginary creature...or the quiet old man down the street that is actually a killer?

Trying to work on some new ideas for stories. Horror and the unknown appeal to me...not sure if it is some kind of catharsis to clear out my dark side or something else. I have some good ideas; just running into the typical trouble of making something out of smoke....stay tuned, freedom fighters
Hi, I wanted to send you a return review-you did one of my word searches-but I don't read anything in the genre you chose. I'm sorry.

Keep Writing!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/nightguy_1961