Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/onewriter285
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Do you write on paper or the computer? Which one do you recommend?
I do both.
I find paper works better when I have time to think about things and the computer works when I'm writing to a deadline.
How are you guys? You doing good? Writing along casually? Well, I wish I was doing that. I've been very busy lately and I haven't had lots of time to write. Also whenever I write I only write a few words before I don't know what to write next. Writer's Block. Every writer's nemesis. Am I right? I need some help with my writer's block. Any tips?

I have another problem. (SO MANY PROBLEMS) I want to write a novel but they always turn into short stories because I never finish them or make them longer. I want to be able to write novels. Is there some schedule I should be doing? Or something I'm doing that I should stop doing. GUYS! I NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/onewriter285