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That's great!!!!! I can't wait to hear how it goess!!! :D
Woahh!!!! That makes you a Superwoman all the time!!!
Ahhh, are you excited?! I better see pictures!! (If you can even do that on here!)
lol Your confidence is flattering. Sometimes I just hope I'm mot seriously messing this child up. ;) And yes, I am WAY excited!!!!! I will send you pics if I can figure out how to. :)
Well, I got a job!! I'm a dishwasher at Bob Evan's! Idk if y'all have that where you live. And I just finished taking my AP exams for the year. I'm the NHS president for the year, and the senior class Vice President! Hahah.

What about you?!
Niiiiiiice! Good for you! :) I currently work as a nanny during the day and Superwoman by night. It's a pretty tough job. :) And I'm getting married in 101 days! :D :D :D :D *happy dance*
Hahahah, yeahh, I feel ya. It's kinda rediculous. But life keeps living :)
Indeed. :) Good for you Keegan! So, besides falling out of love, what else have you been up to? ;)
That was awesome!! :) You should read my new one! I actually have two new ones I think! hahah.
Yayy!!! That's awesome!! Congrats!!
But I can't wait to read your new story!!!
You should check my new one out! A Cosmic Dilemma :)
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/scarletletters