Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sgrace39
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Hi guys! Another update. I have done some tests and now back to the doctor to find out what we are going to do about this issue. It's been a process and a long journey. See you guys soon!
Dropping by to make an appearance. I have a few more weeks of training on my new job. Which, by the way, is going to be fun. I still have my health issues to address once I get done with training. Hopefully I'll be back on track soon. Miss WDC and all the wonderful writers I have met here.

Hope this finds you well, we have missed seeing you posts in BCOF.
I just found a cool new tool while blogging and putting my entry into the forum. Cool beans! *BigSmile*
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I have a blog here and belong to a blogging group. When I went into the forum to post my blog comment a box popped up and I clicked on the blog post and it puts it in the forum by itself. Try it!
Update Everyone: *Sick* I haven't been feeling very well lately. I have struggled to just do everyday life. Also trying to get ready for my new job which begins in October has disrupted my activities here at WDC. The doctor called the other day with some test results. I have to go back and do some more tests. Now I know why I've not been feeling well, my hair is falling out and sleeping many hours everyday. Hopefully when everything gets ironed out in the next few weeks I will be back on track. But for now, I'll do my best to support the writers here and the site.
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Get well soon, Grace! *Heart*
*BigSmile*Good morning everyone! After a few days of sweating bullets about how I was going to keep my upgraded account, I found a way. See the column to your left? That is where your gps are displayed. If you click on that you have the option to use those to trade for a membership. I normally purchase a three month upgraded membership. However we know how sometimes surprises happen in everyday life and budgets. A very kind person sent me 50,000 gps and now I have my upgraded membership for another two months. It will take me about that long to get my first paycheck from a new job I accepted. I am still waiting for my background check to come back. I am not a criminal so it should fly. I am very happy.*BigSmile*
They made me a job offer
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who what where?
Newbies Check This Out!

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#1949861 by Not Available.
Have you checked out the new icons? We now have PINK teapots and cup! Come and have a spot of tea in my port! Grace said in her Princess Diana voice... *Wink*

*Teapotp* *TeaP* *TeaP* *TeaP* *TeaP*
Writing.Com Happy Birthday!
Happy 13th Birthday WDC!
Lots of fantabulous packages to bid on over at this auction

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#1947499 by Not Available.
Wow, I logged in and found a huge party going on. The site looks lovely and the new stuff is awesome! Thanks SMs. *Cool*
Photo of me when I worked at Waffle House 2010 LOL I've added a new item to my portfolio:
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Thank you, Grace, for the kind message, and congratulations on your promotion too.
Thank you!
*Balloony* Congratulations on your promotion! *Balloony*
  •   1 comment
Thank you!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sgrace39