Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/shadow_blade
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Balloons 1

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
Shrunk with your Girlfriend/GTS X   (13+)
Sequel to Shrunk with your Girlfriend/GTS. Crossover stories included!!

Hi. There was a minor update regarding the descriptions of Jak's characters upon his request. I took longer to do it because I was caught in some stuff but I finally got it done, I'm also resuming writing on this story.
Well I kept my promise, Naruto redeeming chapter delivered. Although I'll have to make a second part as I was running out of charaters. I've noticed that the limit is at about 9,300 because of signs like , " # etc.

Blake wasn't fighting at full power obviously but he still got to see what Naruto can do when he's about evenly matched.
YESSSS. Love DBZA. Anyway I'll start on the Vegeta fight....or not..Stay tuned to see what the chapter entails.
Cool. I know I'll probably have a good laugh along a nice reading
jak would be like nappa.
Hey on a miscellaneous thing, since writing.com doesn't have an Instant Message thing for free users, why don't we use hangouts with our gmails? Just an idea, as I pretty much have my phone near me 24/7

Also, any luck contacting Pen?
pen is in mine
A fair warning, I rarely have the ability to check my email. I can certainly do my best to be more frequent, but I work and have to wait until evening most of the time.
Well if you want add us to talk via hangouts (google's msn thing) my e-mail is mugetsux91@gmail.com
I apologize again for the delays, I have been sort of sick (I rarely get sick and even if i do I fight it back lol) and i wasn't really able to do much. I'll try to get today or tomorrow, Friday, at least a chapter or half a chapter done for the X series, and who knows, once i get it maybe i can do more. I'll be doing this later today
vitamin M and B
Well. I got about 50 - 60% of next chapter. I'll get some sleep and continue it later. It feels nice to be back at this XD
there might be a chance that 18 gets her brother back. vegeta still gets his ass handed to him after ryan gets pissed off. he is shocked to see the legend that will the window ryan needs before going after cell. ivan and broly are the fakes while ryan is pure legendary saiyan. How is his tail going to effect his forms?

what about the god fight with billis and the super saiyan god form?
Bills would have to be the very final villain. The tail basically makes the super saiyan forms stronger and more efficient from what I can infer from Goku in GT. Not so much as fakes but Broly and Ivan just would happen to be flawed as they also have mental problems (think of saiyan schizophrenia or something of the sorts, derived from mental and physical trauma from their early lives), which hinders their true potential.
there has to be a point where that they can control the forms without the tail. ryan and goku double them him in god mode, but ryan lasts longer in it. 18 might be with child when that happens or a long lost relative helps out. that will be up in the air. she starts exploring her growth power by using cell as the dummy. there has to be a way that she can hear ryan.
I sent you a test email at your gmail.
check your email.
there have some new episodes for dbz abridged.
What about Nel and Tia for the bleach story?
Sorry, unforeseen issues i've been dealing with. Anyway yeah I had thought about adding Nel and Tia to the Bleach story (Tia just like canon, Nel maybe earlier) I'll try to get to work on the X series though.
Well, at least I am doing revisions of chapters about the greater backstory, and I realized that the final ideas i had as of now didn't fully match the earlier drafts I wrote. This is the first edited chapter I did today:


Due to character limit here I can't post the old chapter but if anyone wants to check it I'll send it via e-mail
I'm glad we're getting back to the story. I'm ready if anyone else is.
I'm on the process of getting back into it, sadly, i have been a bit weakened these days so i couldn't manage more than the chapter revisions. Nice to hear of you again btw
I think all of us are here except maybe one other person and that is Jdarkfire i think is his name.
Well, as a sort of writing warmup, Ill add some chapters to the Dragon Ball and Bleach stories, in Friendly Thinker's A special story interactive. Coming soon... lol
Hmm, anyone heard from pen? i have been out of it and not feeling like myself. i read stories, but lack the urge to write and sleep the day away. i have a string of chapters set up, but still writing.
Actually i dealt with other stuff but yeah, i was busy these days, sorry, I'll try to get back to writing for the main series (X series). No I haven't heard of pen lately, we should email him?
Yes we should to see how he is doing.
Well now that Friendly Thinker gave a very nice finisher for the dream arc, I reveal that it was not Blaze's doing (If it had been Blaze it would have been the true Blaze going into the dream).

Stay tuned for more... and lol... inside joke win...
Ok. I will email you the details of the mission.
The dictionary i was using for my zanpakuto names and google translator didn't agree.
I'm reading the first branch and i'm considering rewriting some of the chapters since i'm rewriting my old project. don't know where to start though and change some things.

What about the bleach story?
Added a chapter. Sorry for the delay again but I was kinda sick (I'm okay by now anyway). It was again a little short because I couldn't get any more ideas for now.

Well, this is nearing the climax for this dream-filler-mini arc, so, I think Luigi P. (if he wants) can do the following chapter (having the girls recover from KO is ok but up to him)

And well, then Friendly Thinker would add the finishing chapter for this.
I should be finished with this today or tomorrow.
Cool :P
Coming soon. Trying to actually push the tension so F. Thinker will end the arc epically.
Chapter FINALLY done. Sorry I took so long, but believe me, it's more difficult (at least for me) to complete a half made chapter after several weeks than making a new one from scratch.

Anyway, I leave it for Friendly Thinker to continue (and end?) so we can get back to the actual story...
I started writing and it took me three pages to get the basic idea of the chapter done, but i don't think i'm done with it yet.

might send it over to blake for checking and see about the enemies having some lines in the chapter.
After that, we can do some editing on the fight between Zenn and Animan. It's a bit short and I think you and I could do better on it.
Ok. we can do that.
Who is writing now?
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/shadow_blade