Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/stevenljackson
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Follow me on Twitter for the very latest in publication news @StevieKnosWords :D
Okay, the start to rebuild the $400 started yesterday. I'm not sure who's into paying for erotic literature, but I'll be happy to find them.
What community?
The erotica author and reader community.
Let me know how it goes. Fingers crossed.
Looks like my docs are getting messed up in the punctuation department whenever I upload them... Well, that's kinda annoying. At least the covers are paid for now, so I'll get to start peddling work I should've been paid for 2 months ago for. >> Yay? Haha. Hope to spend most of my energy on Bound and Free, but I'm still not /entirely/ sure where to take a romance story like this. I can either be a complete ass and make it all dark and sad like I usually do...or I could make it bitter sweet. Actually, yeah. Bittersweet would be the better route.

Anyone have good tips for descriptions? I'm pretty terrible at them and wouldn't mind some pointers on writing 100 word descriptions for amazon and the like.
I'd suggest checking out others here and reading how they describe their stories. I think creating those blurbs is a skill. After finding someone who's good at it, ask them to create one for you, can't hurt.

Wippee - book nearly out there! Congrats!!
Well, my birthday is on Saturday, March 7th. ^^ Going to be 19, yay! Meanwhile, my client screwed me and it looks like I have 5 smut books to pretty up--a little, I mean c'mon it's just smut--before shippin' them off to amazon to sell for myself.
Early Happy Birthday!

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I finally got my website finished! If there are places for improvement,I'd love to hear it. http://www.stevenljackson.com
Clean but could use some pops of color. Especially on the hover over the section links. I'd recommend something bright that can hold attention.
I'm sending an email.
Hope you're up for some light reading... *Wink*
Wrote my first video game script. Woot!
Oops. Part of a game dev team now.
Happy February 2nd, everybody! You know what goes great with a great day like this? Death! ^_^

Thanks for sharing the creation of your book.

I knew this guy once in security who told me that at one of his job sites that a former employee who'd been fired, return another day and beat the hell out of man who'd fired him (ex-boss). So, makes perfect sense that classmates would think any terrorism could be an 'inside' job.

There was also something about a mailman gunning down co-workers once and college students using guns on classmates.

Thanks, I'll be sure to tell him he improved. >>

I'd sell for less, but I feel like right now it's a pretty fair price...unlike most people in my age group.

For the most part I ghost write smut... That's where most of the money is, most unfortunately for me. It's not difficult by any means, but it is boring. Once I've got the two erotica books of my own done--part of an experiment to see if it really works--I plan on continuing to self publish and write for magazines and the like. If I had my choice, I'd do fantasy all the time. Love that stuff.

Steven L Jackson is my pen name... My real name might be revealed earlier to people who get to know me, but I'm trying to keep it a secret for fun, haha.

I've got tons of resources stacked up if you'd like to see... Actually gonna be pretty busy this month. Got a noir story and the romance/erotica I'm currently working on. Thank God the noir is only 10k words.
Of course I'm interested in your material. Thanks for sharing.

I'd heard of ghost writers, never met one till now. Perfectly understandable using a pen name - and I agree 'fun'.

You may love fantasy - I love romance. If it has romance in it, I'm on it. What about trying your hand at writing a fantasy movie script? Ever thought about that?

What exactly is the experiment for the erotica books?

You might want to email me the answer, but who have you ghost written for/under?
I've added a new entry to my book, "Invalid Item:
         "Invalid Entry
I've added a new entry to my book, "Invalid Item:
         "Invalid Entry
Working on this: wwww.amazon.com/author/steven-jackson Filling up all those empty spaces. ^^
Getting started on my romance/erotica type thing. No idea where it'll take me, but I hope it's somewhere...awesome.
Finally. It's finally over. All five books in that erotica series I write for are finished. It's been a long, long time...

Thank God of Gods in Godlyness... I can finally sleep.
I'm so happy! I got February 2nd published. Now I just have to get the paperback version in order...

  •   1 comment
Thank you very much! :) I enjoy it, yes. Even if the covers it accepts can be a tad finicky. This is the second--heh--the first was Guardian[http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00S8T609A] and I'm not sure what'll come after this. Probably the straight erotica thing I plan to publish as an experiment. Then I can get back to writing my real works.
Annnnnd, I got Guardian published. :D Hopefully I'll get the paperback version working correctly soon as well. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00S8T609A
Congratulations! What an exciting time for you. Wishing you every success with sales. *Bigsmile*
Congrats! You must be so excited.

Don't forget to take a screen shot of your book on Amazon and save it.

Best wishes *Smile*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/stevenljackson