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We're already approaching the mid-point of June. Where does the time go?

Don't forget to enter your How-To articles in:

WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by JACE

This month's prompt is a topic near and dear to many:

I hope to get some tips myself from your inventive and inquisitive natures.
What is the oldest (last modified date) item you have in your My Favorites list?

I know you'll have to dig a little, but I'm curious.

My oldest Static Item is 23 years, and my oldest Forum is 14 years.

Angels Among Us  (E)
Poetry only contest to celebrate 10th anniversary of WdC Angel Army Group
#2071963 by ~Minja~

Soundtracks of Our Lives  (E)
Sharing the music that makes us original...
#2144947 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Truth or Dare Fundraiser  (13+)
Challenge other authors and help raise funds for a Merit Badge or two!
#2076498 by Kit

ruwth - Yeah, I might have worded it differently. But I did say "oldest". I should have stated "Oldest--as identified by the Modified date".
I don't know about the rest of you WDC Newsletter editors, but it seems like my monthly Noticing Newsletter is coming around every two weeks. *ShocK*

I have two monthly newsletter assignments and I go back and forth on whether them being on different weeks is good or bad. On the one hand, one newsletter per week is a pretty light lift. But getting that email notification of a newsletter deadline during two out of four weeks a month definitely gives me moments of, "OMG I just did one!" *Laugh*
I have my usual which I enjoy that is Romance/Love. And I've been on that NL for such a long time, I have to find new ways to present the same themes. I usually try to recycle themes every 2 to 3 years. Again, can be a challenge. But I'm a sucker for a good romance. I have been trying to pick up an extra NL this year - usually it's Action/Adventure. But I do find, especially with my busy life outside of WDC, that somtimes it's hard to keep up with my one NL I am a constant for.
Jeff - Indeed. While I need the reminder, I know what you mean by getting it. *RollEyes*
Last night on the Evening News, they did a piece highlighting the 80th Anniversary of D-Day speaking with a few of the soldiers who were there for the invasion. Now in their 90's and 100's, they were so young to have had to participate in something so terrible and devastating.

And yet here we are 80 years later, humanity in general having learned nothing!

Echoing the sentiments of Memorial Day, thank you so much to all who have served and are continuing to serve. My heart and prayers go out to your all.
I watched a similar coverage and had similar thoughts. All I can say is that hindsight is 20/20.
Yes same watching it in UK *Sad*
80 years later, and humanity in general has learned nothing. Amen to that! Will we ever learn?
Just Curious ....

How many of you have been thumbing through a magazine, come across a picture you wish to see clearer ... and start tapping on it to expand it?
No, but I have tried to swipe or expand images on my computer screen with my fingers. I was even confused momentarily about why it wasn't working. *Bigsmile*
I've never done that, but next time I'm at my doctor's office I'll give it a try. If that doesn't work, I'll do what a lot of people seem to do: I'll just quietly tear out the page and bring it home where I keep my stronger glasses. *Smirk2*
Yes! I hate to admit it but I do that occasionally... actually, more often than I should. *Rolling*

Slightly off topic:
Even crazier than that, after a cataract surgery, I saw double halos around parking lot lights at night, at the clubhouse while my eyes were still dilated. It was so beautiful, I grabbed my phone to snap a photo so others could experience what I saw. *Laugh*

Another June contest:

WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by JACE

June's Prompt:


I know there are a lot of reviewers out there. Here's your chance to submit all your reviewing tips and techniques.

WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by JACE

I know, I know--I'm harping ....

But it's the last day to enter for the May prompt: READING  

WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by JACE

Only a few days left to enter this month. Time to dust-off one of those old How-To articles you have in your Port.

I look forward to seeing them.
I was rummaging through the glove box of my old truck yesterday and came across an old (probably outdated) small bottle of GermX left over from the 2020 Covid pandemic.

How many people still carry such bottles in their vehicles from the pandemic?
JACE - True that!
JACE - yes, cellphones are different. I wipe my phone down with a Clorox wipe every couple of days.
I was buying a new car a couple of months ago, so I cleaned out my old car (bought in 2013). I found some old masks and pandemic hand sanitizer in the center console.
Three days ago I posted another of my Mini--Surveys on the Newsfeed--this one was:
 A Mini-Review Survey  (E)
Just a two question Survey for my information, edification and overall amusement.
#2320423 by JACE

I received 12 responses evenly split between Yes and No.

A few of the responses received included:

*BulletG* I check the highlighted items because that's what the author thinks is their best, or most interesting story.

*BulletG* I start there, but then if the items highlighted aren't the kind of thing I am looking to review, I see what else they may have.

*BulletG* I do check the highlighted items. I also check the 'new and updated' items on the bio page. Still, I often pick items to review that are on neither of those lists. Sometimes I simply spot something where the title or the description sound interesting, and even though it might be an old item the author has long forgotten, I figure if it's in their port and allows reviews, it's fair game!

*Bulletr* Not really, I tend to look through for something which might appeal to me, which I might be able to have a constructive opinion on....

*Bulletr* I review from the read and review option, not individual ports. If I was in one particular port, I would look for items I want to review.

*Bulletr* I don't highlight anything for the reason of review-seeking. WdC members are free to review anything in my port.

There were a lot of good points on both sides. That's why I love this place. *Wink*
May I have two minutes of your time? Just a short Survey about reviewing:

 A Mini-Review Survey  (E)
Just a two question Survey for my information, edification and overall amusement.
#2320423 by JACE

This survey is in response to a comment made on a Newsfeed "Note: View this Note" a couple days ago.
  •   1 comment
Here's an idea for a piece of legislation (perhaps it could be extended to telemarketers):

Be it enacted that the Congress of the United States allows every household with a valid address and a US citizen over the age of 65 be able to opt-out of receiving unsolicited mail from any business. Households must request to be removed from the business mailing address listings. Failure to comply will result in the businesses paying $10.00 to that householder for each piece of unsolicited mail delivered to the household.

Yes, I know this doesn't address every possible situation. (That's why House and Senate bills are 500 plus pages long.)
Yes, I realize someone will come up with a way around things. (That's why lobbyists exist.)
Yes, I know scope of this bill will be increased. (That's why Congress exists.)
And yes, I believe some judge will get involved and stay the legislation. (That happens far too often today.)

BUT, I would bet a Poll across the applicable demographics would be extremely IN favor. Too bad Congress seldom listens to its constituents.

And, it would a great way to supplement our Senior Citizen's income.

JACE - Yup. Just about the same.
While it's a good idea in theory, for some reason, I'm personally against the government giving more garbage for small business owners to deal with. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of frivolous lawsuits and paperwork this would create for the average company.

The truth is, mind you, that 90% of the spam that comes through Writing.Com isn't from a legitimate company that could be fined. (IE- it's scam/spam from non-US or non-real entities.). Another 5% of it is stuff people did signup for but they forgot. And then maybe 3 to 5% of it is actual useful email.

You're be amazed at how many people create a WdC account, verify their email address and then months later yell @ Writing.Com Support that they didn't signup for an account. *Laugh*
The StoryMaster - I absolutely knew this was not a good idea, nor did I believe such a thing was possible. This would be a true Medusa situation. But after getting five such pieces of unsolicited mail yesterday, I decide to rant a bit.

But now that I think about it, this would be the very frivolous thing Congress might take on. *Laugh*
Mid-May already!

Today's Date is Wednesday May 15, 2024

Day Number of Year: 136
Week Number of Year: 20
Month Number of Year: 5
Leap Year: Yes
Daylight Saving Time: No

And it's a great day to enter your How To essays in:

WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by JACE

Check it out. May's prompt is based on a specific section in "Writing.Com 101. Looking forward to seeing you. Best of luck.


Happy 16th WDC Anniversary, JACE !

  •   1 comment
Thank you!!
hey happy WC anniversary.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sybaritescribe