Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/tesmont
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Having a hard time right now. My SO is moving in 7 months to Utah and we're currently in NY. His mother is blackmailing him into moving with her and he's in college. I have no idea what to do, any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Welcome to WdC, Tesmont! I'm so sorry about your situation! Just so you know, the reason no one commented is because you are new and once people build up a fair number of fans and friends and such, their newsfeed only shows posts from them. One has to actively click Community Newsfeed to find posts from folks they aren't already connected to.

I'm sorry about your situation! That really sucks. But I can tell you that in this digital age, it's easier than ever to stay connected. It won't be the same, but if you two are really meant to be together, after they graduate from college, they can find a job near you. Though I'd suggest you graduate college as well, if it turns out they have to move elsewhere. It's an important step in getting a good job, which is, of course, an important step in being a successful adult. Besides, without the two of you distracting each other, maybe you'll have better grades. *Laugh* I know I had much better grades when I was single than when I was dating. lol

Good luck! I know it sucks, but you can and will get through this! *Hug*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/tesmont