Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/thewolfemperor
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
I wear diapers.

Too much info? Maybe.

I need to learn to avoid any and all discussions about COVID-19 with anyone who is not a trained medical professional that did not have their license to practice medicine turned into bird cage liner by their respective jurisdiction's board.
A little bit more writing done. Because at the end of the day, that's all that matters. You do a little bit now, a little bit more tomorrow.

"Oh but what if you were published? You'd have to write more than that."

Show me the money. When you show me money, I'll step up my game. In the meantime, I'll take my own time thank you.
Dealing with coworkers and managers who behave like they're still in high school can be emotionally taxing.

Will try to write more in the morning.
Me shopping for a therapist.

Me: I'm looking for someone who understands or has experience with people on the autistic spectrum.

Prospective Therapist: I have experience with ADD,

Me: Okay but I said different words.
I had a counselor once who specialized in trauma... which is what I was dealing with. But then I moved. If I find a new one it can't be a generalist just pushing meds.
Now that the worst of winter seems to be behind us, I've begun walking home from work. Between walking both ways and all of the walking and exertion at work, combined with living in an upstairs apartment, there's really no need for a gym membership.

Working in retail is like being in an abusive relationship that everyone encourages you to stay in for the kids.
Here's a haiku about thoughtless reviews.

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I hope you enjoy your stay
Your story was nice
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/thewolfemperor