Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/thorslayer007
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Just posted my section of the story. I hope that you enjoyed it.
hit a slight snag but I got over it. I should have it done and posted tomorrow before lunch.
Sorry for taking so long. I should have it down in two to three days. I've been busy with work.
I am about half way done with my section. I should have it done by the end of the week.
I am almost done. I just need 2 to 3 more days and it should be ready. I just had a small writers block with how to start the chapter.
I am working on my part right now. I should have it completed between 6 to 8 days from now. I had a writer block but I think it has past.
Hey Damian, how much longer until your section is done for our story? Because I am itching to start working on mine.
Er.... Needs I catch up up. Just have a serious writers block at the moment. If I take too long I'll probablt just skip my addition.
What is the problem?
Well, I've been preparing for this job that I'm starting tommorow aww sh** man. And the job is only gonna use me back further. :(
When is Lucario going to post his part of the story? I am beginning to worry that something might have happen to him to cause this long of a delay.
As soon as I get mine completed, and if he's not done with his addition then I'll skip him and we'll move along/ As it stands, my computer is not working at the moment but by today or tomorrow I'll be up and running again.
I manage to complete my part of the campfire last night. I hope I did good for you guys. Please leave me a comment when you are done.
Hey dude, what exactly are these "trials" going to consist of? Should we just freestyle our own trials or...
Everyone does there own trials. When I comes back to me, everyone should be done with there trials. Also, you should pick you own treasure reward. I have something in mind for the final room. *light chuckle*
I am about three-fourths completed with my section. I should have it posted with 3 to 5 days. Sorry to keep you guys waiting.
I post my chapter for 'The Pokemon Life' hope you guys enjoy it. That last part just pop right in there and wouldn't leave me until I had it posted. Man Mew, why won't you leave me alone.
It was good.
I am making progress on my addition. I am about 2/3 of the way done and I should have the rest by the end of the week, if not sooner done. I was busy with a few things but now I have the time to write again.
  •   1 comment
Yay! Hurray!
Hey rioul17, how far along are you in your addition? I am beginning to worry that you are having trouble coming up with a section. If you need help let me know. I will help any way that I can.
I agree Riolu. It has been two weeks. However we are
Happy to wait for such a great addition to come.
I'm sure school may be keeping him busy, as it is nearing the end of the fall semester.

Wouldn't this have been better as an E-mail / PM to Riolu17 instead of a newsfeed entry?
Yeah but this way we can all chat. So, any ideas for the campfire? Like what is going through your heads?
If I made it so that I would be a rival to Thornton, I didn't plan on it. But I like it. So you will see me multiple times trying to keep our secret just that, a secret. How you go about this, I will follow along. My idea is if you can't keep a secret, write it out but leave important information out so that people will have to work it out to solve it.
That might help your character out.
If your a fox, act like one. Let them know that you need to be cunning and think on your feet if you want to outsmart err fox you.
Beside, some secrets should be just that a secret. Because some secrets must never be known or a lot of people can get hurt.
But everything must be known. Secrets equal harm.
I will be working on my addition all day tomorrow, hopefully, and have it posted by late tomorrow. I have been busy working at my new job.
  •   1 comment
Hurray! Wait, does that mean after noon late, at noon late, evening late, or night late? I can't wait! But let me figure out you guys
Human. Unless you want to do that. Just, tell me what your basic plan is so I can plan accordingly.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/thorslayer007