Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/unreknown
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I 'm taking online classes from Delta College her in Mid-Michigan
I have been taking online classes about creative writing and I am in second course and I have been getting 100% on each quiz.
That sounds cool. Where are you taking the courses?
Went to the office of cardiology. had my pacemaker checked,
Hope everything went alright!
I am in the process of writing a short story and so far it is getting pretty interesting. I have a busy month ahead of me. I have to go see a urinary specialist to find out why I've got in my urine. And I have to go to a cardiologist to have my pacemaker checked. I also have an appointment at Miracle Ear to have my hearing aids checked and cleaned. I have been have extreme pain in my right knee and I have an appointment to see an Orthopedic surgeon so I will know what is going on with that.
I am hoping to find some very sincere friends here.
Ouch! Sounds like you need a mechanic and a doctor...*Wink*
I have been taking a college course on creative writing for the last few months. I have learned a lot about myself and I am learning how to be a good author. I read a lot of Fiction. I wish I could write like some of my favorite authors do.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/unreknown