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happy birthday
Happy anniversary
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

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Since I don't have much money and have to be a free account. (Pease don't pay for me people I'm not active enough and I don't want to waste your money.) I'm going to be switching up what I'm doing. So first this is coming about after I tired to make a new item. Come to find out as a free account I can only post ten items at a time. So with that in mind and with how complex my alien race story is. I'm going to work on a more generic fantasy story for now. I still plan to have a costume race be the protagonist but this will be far easer then I would have to do with creating a new ecosystem from scratch. Lastly I am going to be deleting all my current material after copping it to a google doc first of course as I don't want to lose my work. Next I'll be posting the new work as I work on it and once I get up to chapter ten I will start deleting the old ones as new ones are posted.
I'll be starting the purge in a few days
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I updated my story board for any that are interested.
I'm thinking of also writing some short one shot stories for now as well. I still plan to work on my novel. I feel by writing shorts and my poems. I will improve my over all writing skills and ability. So that I can write the story I am aiming to write. As well as pull in the audience I am looking for.
Well I'm back for how long who knows. I love this community and I want to grow as a writer but life is hectic and I will always prioritize that over all else. If I remember about this site I will come back and try to work on my story some more be for life take the rains again. That said if all goes well my life should be calming down in a year or two. Fore now while I am back my life is not stable enough to work on my story. For now in its place I will work on poetry for my girl. This way at least I will get writing experience and I will also read what other people are writing. Stay safe and stay healthy in these hard times. Remember to have fun and the real world is a chaotic mess that can make both good out comes and bad.
I don't think we've ever met, but WELCOME BACK! *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
Thank you.
happy birthday
Okay so this next scene I’m trying to get down has me a bit stumped. I all ready have a lot of jargon that took me a lot of time to deliver correctly, in a way for my target demographic to read with out a problem. Now that I’m dealing with a bit of human tech getting the scene set up with interacting with the biotech is a bit hard for me. So with that said I’m taking a small break to do a wrighting exorcise. To read the books I like and brake them down in to there components to see how somthing is done, forshowed, and so forth. I’m a week late on getting this update out and I still can’t wrap my head around it with out being heavy in the jargon and tell instead of show element where this scene would do best in show don’t tell.
Alrighty so I received an email telling me how to make the image item. So I will now be putting out all of the concept art. With that said the one for Takkar "IS A MAGOR SPOILER" as he is not supposed to be explained till after the mid point in the book at the earliest. The plain to finally give what Takkar is, is originally planed for the end of this book but as I write and rewrite it might happen before that. Keep in mind these are concepts and not the final. I like the style of light novels having a few pictures through out he book. I plain to do the same.
Okay I was going to hold off on edits from now to my girl friends arrival. How ever To do stuff when I need a brake from cleaning I will be working on the story. Lastly I found more of my concept art. I will try to figger out how to post it on this site but I might need to embed a link to else where instead. I should have a good update in like four to five days from now. There will be some more fine tuning to remove the run on sentences and the first pass to next scene in the chapter.
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Alright for now I give up on trying to make a image item. So I added the concept art to the covers of two of the items hope you can enjoy them.
I found an artist for my story to have a few of the scenes will have illustrations starting with the opening scene to give a base line. I don't know how long it will take to get it but I hope you guys will be looking forwarded to it. I'll have mention of it in text of where the picture would be placed to look at the item.
alrighty well with more and more people telling my the gargon is a problem and the like (that world needs it) sance I'm a new writer I think I'll work short stories first to work up expiance and maybe some day i can come back to this story and write it in a way readers can enjoy well still keeping the core of the world in tact if i cant well then this story will for ever live on in my head this wont stop me from righting though.
There's no rushing these things.

It might help to do some housekeeping on your items: spelling, grammar, tense, and presentation could all do with a bit more work. That should make it easier to get feedback. For example: I'm not sure whether "tori" is supposed to be a torii gate or a new word.

I also recommend going through the text and highlighting every word which is either not english or is new jargon. You don't want the jargon to be too dense, and you need to show what your new words mean.
Even though writing short stories and long works have different challenges and technicalities, I would whole-heartedly recommend starting at the short story level.

This will give you the advantage of working out how to world build on a smaller scale, to work on characters, to develop a writing style.

In a WdC note, a short story is more likely to get views, and that will give you the feedback you need. Looking through your port, your writing basics need work - grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, verbs, etc. - and in a short story it will make it easier for some-one to give you that advice.

You clearly have ideas and enthusiasm, which is great; now it's time to give these ideas the best chance they have to reach a wider audience and engage them.

Good luck going forward.
Thanks Tileira and thanks Penguin. As for a problem I can see me needing work on with the short stories is that I dive in to the world building rabbit hole so I hope it teaches me how to diel it back. I am now planning to work on short stories well I also move this one forward though at a slower pace then I planed.
my profile pic is of my cat :P
Beautiful cat🐆
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/vallenshield