Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/vaughanjones
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Happy birthday!
As my entry in Project Write World has been disqualified and I have been removed/withdrawn from the group for my strong and honest opinions, please help.

So then, I would appreciate all comments from WDC members on my entry, a poem:

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#2147547 by Not Available.

Thank you.
4 U all 2 C - just so you know - and 4 U 2 chew on, if you will.
I detest disharmony and the lack of peace, but I'm tired of it and I will be withdrawing soon.

Project Write World
I hate to disqualify entries especially when time and effort was put into your creation.

Re: Final Tally/Notes
"OMA - Old Man Africa" - You did not mention the prompt used

The quote takes up the entire final two lines of my poem, OMA - Old Man Africa. I don't mind any comments but to be disqualified for something as petty as this is not acceptable. I think I might withdraw from this group, possibly from Writing Dot Com completely. This is not a threat, I'm not a child.

If you remove this message from this forum, I will broadcast it across the whole website. This is a threat.

Vaughan Jones.

Project Write World
Is that supposed to frighten me into accepting your entry?
You can go ahead and broadcast whatever you want, the rules were simple.
If your other fellow writers can adhere to them, I see no reason why you should be an exception.
It's a simple task to simply state which prompt was used at the top or at the end of the page - the 'item' not within the poem/story/essay in itself.

P.S: If you were unsure of the rules, there was nothing to stop you from asking others or myself.

You state you are not acting childish, but I fail to see anything adult about all you've written/stated.

I was not unclear on the rules, which is why I put the quote at the bottom of the poem.

Do you enjoy being petty? Have a ball with the rules and stick them where the sun don't shine.

Vaughan Jones.
If it's any consolation, I judge one of the "Project Write World categories and would automatically disqualify an entry in my head if I had to search through the actual written entry to figure out which prompt someone chose.

It's kind of important to know the prompt someone is writing about before you read the entry because how well the prompt is used is one of the main judging factors. I'm assuming that's the reason iKïyå§ama states that the prompt must be clearly stated within your item and not within your entry. Ah, subtle differences!

Oh well, at least you'll know for next time! *Smile*
Thank you Char. Yes, subtle differences, but isn't it strange that there being only one quote on which to base the poem on. So, if I'm not using the picture, what else can I be basing my writing on?

Anyhow, blessings to you.

I'm strangely relieved, somehow, to have been removed from the Project Write World Group.
Need help, please.

My premium membership expires tomorrow. I decided I'd renew first on basic for three months and then upgrade that to Upgraded wit my GPs. The site won't let me upgrade for the difference of the price between Basic($9.95) and Upgraded($19.95) which is $10. It expects me to pay the full $19.95.

What can I do?

Thanks y'all.
Thank you so much, Mary. I have 124,000 GPs. My problem is processing the upgrade. I have already purchased the Basic membership but I can't get the site to accept the $9 difference for the upgrade.
Bless you.
The StoryMaster -- tagging you because I think you're the one to help with this! Thanks!
Sorry, but you can't just pay the difference for moving up in membership... Check out Increase Your Paid Membership Level from Writing.Com 101  to see how we handle that for you when you move up to a higher level...

I'm in a pickle. I've just started to get more deeply involved in WDC and my membership expires on 15 December.

I miscalculated badly. I took my GPs and divided them by 1,000, thus thinking that I would have enough to continue my premium membership for at least another 6 months. Only to find, today, that I was way short.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to revert to basic membership again....*Sob*
Have you approached"Request An Upgrade From RAOK? Check out the page and maybe make a request for help when you're closer to the point of losing your membership.


Thank you very much indeed. In fact, I hadn't even thought of doing that due to the shock.
My sincere gratitude goes to Kittiara for nominating one of my poems for the Quill awards' Medium Length Poem - Free Verse.

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#2141418 by Not Available.
Hi y'all. I hope you are enjoying the Thanksgiving season and the Black Friday shebang. Here's a poem I wrote yesterday about my single Black Fiday experience:
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#2141543 by Not Available.



YAY! I have added another 1,940 words to my novel today. Ah, but I'm only on 12,763 words in total.

Think I'll make? Hmm, not so sure.

*Notepad* *Printer*.......Hooray!
You are still 12,763 words farther along than you were Nov. 1. *Wink* *Hug* *Heart*
Hey JS, thank you. Yes, very true indeed....LOL
Happy Thanksgiving to y'all in the US of A.


Eat, drink, and be merry *Glass5*

For the Lord loves y'all.


I'm in South Africa - so no can do.
I'm in chapter 2 of my NaNoWriMo book. Please have a read, even a light scan. All comments will be warmly appreciated.
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#2139533 by Not Available.


A poem follows that I wrote two days ago for a contest with the prompt that painful memories wither over time. Please read and evaluate:
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#2138814 by Not Available.
or read it below.

Pain Withers Not with Time

Although time had withered away
The pained memories of that day
When my father had died and passed
The dark pain that event had cast.

Though the horrid details may fade
The thought always made me afraid
That the memory would remain
Returning such deep heart-felt pain.

No matter what, the fact remains
The feeling never really wains
As time perpetually will pass
The pain remains as cold as glass.
I have changed my portfolio somewhat. Please take a look and le me know what you think about it.*Hand*
To all readers, writers, poets, poet loreats, et al. My entry for a 48 Hour Challenge recently.
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#2107745 by Not Available.

All comments and criticisms welcome.

Thank you for your help and input. Much appreciated.
Hi Vaughan!

I'm dropping by your angelic abode to celebrate The WDC Angel Army  's 10th Anniversary with you!

May your halo shine bright
As you flit round this site
Spreading cheer and delight
To us all, day and night! *Angelic*

Presently stuck in the moment of no inspiration, feeling as if I can't bring joy to anyone with my writing. Ummmm; stuck.
I read when I can't write *Smile*
Thanks Jay. When I'm in these periods I find reading uninspiring too, unless it is something that truly blows me way.
Try reading the winning entries of your favourite contests. Watching movies works for me too but I guess to each his own!

Hope you get out of your rut soon!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/vaughanjones