Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/victorialampos
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Hey guys! I'm new to this site, and I was wondering if I could get some reviews on my stories. I'm currently writing books about characters from my many fictional worlds. You can find images of my characters here on deviantart.


I'll post my short stories here to get reviews on my writing styles and storytelling skills.
I'd really appreciate the help. I really wish to show my stories to the world and would love to improve my skills with critiques and reviews.
  •   1 comment

Good evening, VictoriaLampini,

Not officially or anything, but welcome to writing.com -- casually, WdC.
         This is very much a social site, but there are serious and seriously talented and published writers all around.
         One of the best ways to build bridges here is to offer reviews of the work of other writers. In two years, I have done one hundred eleven such reviews. That is not a large number. I put the best and most constructive of my insights and moderate skills into these reviews, and they, for the most part, get a sincere response and honest thanks. I recommend the practice. You will meet good people here.
         I am interested in the multimedia approach. I still have a copy of the large format Illustrated Roger Zelazny, a prized possession. And then there's Frank Miller.
         I have had a swift glimpse of your work. I will look more thoroughly. I will offer what thoughtful input I can.
         But don't wait up.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/victorialampos