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Have finally caught up and revised my current novel Moonlight Revelation. While it's not finished, catching up with what i've done so far is a big accomplishment. I remember first making it as a collab project with me and my friends and bringing them into my world that I created. Then, they had to leave for various reasons so I decided to make it into an actual novel. At this time it was just me and one other. Then that other person had to leave due to going into the military.

So then I did the revision that I posted here on Writing.com. It omits their character and replaces them with a character of my own. And no I'm not just stealing what they wrote. I've had to change up almost everything revolving around their character and only keeping the core of my story.

So 3rd time's the charm in terms of revisions. I'll have to do one last hard editing and touching up phase because mostly what I've done is extremely raw and was to just get the general idea on paper. So, I'll have to touch up little tidbits and events so everything reads through cleanly and events match up and the pace flows better.

At the point I'll just be moving forward and finally typing up new stuff for instead of copying and pasting from an old word document and changing stuff. I'll probably take a slight break first and write a short story or something before continuing with the grind stone.

Also, I wonder how many chapters or pages is acceptable for a teen focused novel? cause i'm on chapter 23 right now and the story still has a ways to go.
I added FOUR chapters to a story today. I normally do one chapter for each of my three novels but it can be difficult readjusting my frame of mind to be centered around a new story. Especially, since they are each in different genres. One in Modern Fantasy. Another in Sci-fi. And the third is in Horror/Thriller/Suspense. The last one is the hardest to change my mindset and focus on because it's such a different and demanding genre. But if I focus on one then I spend less time adjusting myself and more time just writing since i'm just continuing off from what I'm doing. I keep the momentum going. But even with what I normally do, that's still one chapter more than usual. And I did them with distractions. (which may put the quality down a little). But I'm proud of myself tonight.
Just a little something that I've been noticing and has been bothering me slightly. It's some people's reviews I see. I know there's this 250 minimum character limit to get those delicious points for reviewing someone's work. But there are people that bs their review by putting stuff that doesn't even relate to what they are reviewing. I've gotten one for one of my works (actually I've gotten a couple) and it's low key insulting when I see it at all.

For example, I've gotten one that talks about what I wrote for the first sentence and a half and the rest talked about a Doctor Seuss book and the author. Like I looked him up on Yahoo Answers. I was wondering if there was a way to report these types of reviews because i'm sure that review is only one of out many that happen.

Us as writers and readers should be giving quality or at least acknowledging reviews. Not putting words for the sake of a minimum character limit. When I read someone's work I plan on reviewing I sometimes have "Notepad" opened on the side to write notes on what I plan on putting as feedback. I enjoy and feedback I receive. Constructive criticism means just as much to me, if not more, than praise. (mind you I do like seeing those purple stars though!)

The last review I gave was around 2.5k characters. I know you don't get anything for going above and beyond but I wasn't writing the review for the gift points. I was writing the review because I want the author to feel that sense of inspiration and motivation to write more like I get when I receive feedback.
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It is actually illegal to post bogus reviews simply for the collection of review rewards. If you got two reviews by the same person and you feel they literally sent the reviews in a way that they have barely anything to do with your writing, you can send a short email to the StoryMaster along with the user name of the reviewer and a link to the review he/she sent you. That way, he can see if this is a pattern.
writing three novels is extremely challenging. Right now it's not too hard because I'm editing one, revising another, and only the third (Cyberia) is being written from scratch. So I can put them out one after the other for now. But once I'm caught up to where I have to start writing new parts for all of them I might be slowed down a little. But it just depends on my living situation and the energy surrounding me when that happens.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/vincentrayne