Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/w38pj
Please follow an E rating.*
This year was like drowning, learning to swim, trying to swim but then drowning, then walking on water. I hope everyone has had a great year, and may 2017 bring incredible things.
Stopping by to say hi! *BigSmile*
Hello there!
My dog (Maggie) is Dog of the Day!!!! Yay! And, oh by the way... I don't live in New Jersey... I have absolutely NO IDEA of where they got that... I didn't even put down a state... oh well!

And also... my baby girl should be so proud of herself... http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?190688-Sweet-Maggie!
  •   1 comment
You should be so proud!
Which colour?
I've been on WdC for a year now! Thanks for the amazing experience~
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Happy 1 year Anniversary!*BalloonGo*
I've just added an item in my portfolio:
Dear Sister-  (E)
To my spiritual sister, a poem in a letter just for you~
Happy Valentine's Day!!! Make someone feel loved today.
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
Glass Vase   (E)
How do you think a glass vase feels?
I'd like to thank each and every one of you for helping me through this journey. It might have only half of a year I was with you, but you all have made those months easier to bare. You taught me that even if I don't like my work, someone will, and I'm happy to say that you guys were those someones. 2015 was full of troubles for me, but I guarantee that you made me laugh until I started to cry more than anyone ever has, even in real life. I may not know you, but I feel all of us have been childhood friends.

So, please, let us remember the mistakes we've made in the past year, but also remember what we have learned. Reflect on those amazing moments of your life- they might never come again. But most of all, look into the future, and imagine yourself standing someplace incredible. You could get married, get a new house, graduate- anything. If you visualize where you want to be in life and do everything you can to get there, you have a fat chance you'll be there soon.

Tonight is the night where we use our minds more than ever. While you're screaming "Happy New Year" in any language (I, personally, will be yelling it in French), you should comprehend everything that has happened so far, and imagine what will come.

2015 is over. It will never come again. But this time, we're walking down the path of 2016 together. I ask that you have a wonderful life, and if you don't, please email me! I want to help you because I don't want you to go through what I'm going through. I'm isolating myself, refusing help. But that is a terrible mistake- and that's why I have you guys!!! Every word you post here brightens my day. Writers, to me, always seem to blossom when they're writing. That's what I saw in these few months. Thank you, WdCers!

Happy New Year, Everybody!
Merry Christmas (and/or any other holiday you celebrate) and to all a good write, WdCers! *BigSmile*
I want to give a merit badge to someone, but don't know who. Any suggestions?
Make it a contest. Ask people to tell you why they think they deserve a merit badge.
You could also go to "Noticing Newbies and welcome someone to the site with a MB (or give it to one of the helpers who are greeting them and answering questions). *Smile*
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
Gather 'Round  (E)
Gather 'round, my friends...
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!! Hope you all get to enjoy a fine feast and laughs with your family and/or friends! Here are just a few things I'm thankful for-

1. Fuzzy Socks
2. Animals (except for leeches & mosquitoes)
3. My Family, Friends, and Teachers
4. Books & Music
5. YOU GUYS!!! I may not be that great, but you guys still support me!
It's already snowing! This isn't supposed to happen yet! *Rant*
*Whistle* ing ***Oh the weather outside is frightful...***
oh..lucky..send Snow to me! *Snow4*
Haha!! But it's still half the size of me!!
Well it could be just a little bunny and you're calling it a giant so people wont know you're really only one foot tall?
Oh no! You've found my one and only secret!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/w38pj