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I just wanted to gush about your fantastic works! I absolutely love your writing and how amazingly you use the medium. You've created a world of believable, likable characters, who make rational choices even in unbelievable circumstances.

It's also the best slow burn I've ever read. While the initial change is instant, the way you show Tim making compromise after compromise (all completely rational and justified by the way!) is an amazing journey. Chapter after chapter, adaptation after adaptation, change after change, Tim is never going against his own nature, yet becoming a mature woman, wife, and mother all the same. It's fun, it's fascinating, it's exciting and always full of twist and turns.

I always look forward to all your work, hope you don't mind the spiel, but I can't rave enough about your writings! Thank you for all of it!
Thanks very much for the glowing review. I’m happy that you enjoy my silly little scribbles, and that the tedious pace isn’t too frustrating for you. Sometimes I do wish I could just get to the point, but it seems that this just isn’t how my brain works.
No way! I love the pacing and the creep towards big events. It really makes those moments so much more substantial. And you do a great job examining the little details and realities such a change would cause that would otherwise get lost by someone trying to race from big plot beat to plot beat. Honestly, just keep doing what you're doing! It's working pretty dang well
Heyo, found your Interactive Story and I was blown away by the consistent high quality!
Thanks very much. Glad that you are enjoying it.
Just my seemingly biennial scribble to tell you you how much I appreciate your work ^,^
I'm reading & enjoying everything, even the stuff I'm not really into. But I'm especially excited when you hit my niche.

Keep up the good work! (Is it just me or does that sound more like an order than actual encouragement?)
Thanks very much. Glad you are still enjoying it.
Glad to have you back!
Hey Wassel! I hope you are well, you haven't wrote anything in a couple of months, and I miss your excellent chapters.
I'm doing okay thanks.
Love your writing here. Consistently high quality. Looking forward to reading more from you!
Hi Wessel!! Is it possible to continue the path where Allison switch with Tim's mom? Thanks!
Sure it is. Any path that isn't marked as [RESERVED] is free to be added to. You don't have to ask in advance.
Just wanted to say I really love your Transplant story and all your writings within it. Hopefully we can see some new chapters from you soon, have sorely missed your writings. Thanks for all your work.
Thank you for your hard work. You are my favorite author in writing.com . One of them is a story about tim's mom in amber's body. I wish you all the best
Hey Wassel,

I just wanted to say that your writing is great and your work is appreciated. You're easily my favorite writer on here. I hope you you continue to grind out more content. Much love brother.
  •   1 comment
Thanks for the kind words. I also appreciate the compliment.
I’m glad to see that you found your groove back. A writing block can be hard, but it seems you came even stronger out of it. I’m looking forward on how this crazy story develops.

Cheers for the kinds words.

Wasn't too bad though. If I don't feel like writing, I just do something else for a while. Simple as that!
Hey Wassel I just wanted to say you are one of my favorite authors on here and was wondering if you are just taking a break or stopping all together.
Thanks for the kind words. And no, I haven't stopped altogether. When I have something to write I'll write it. That's generally how my creativity works. I can't force chapter adds.
Hi Wassel,the story in engaging at almost every branch.Could you continue the Tim-Becky Nichols clone story.I enjoyed that story more and has a great potential.
Glad you enjoy my story. And I'm sure I'll continue that particular storyline at some point down the line, when the mood takes me. As I don't write to order.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wassel29