Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wat2ryte
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My first post on Writing.Com. Today is the start of dreams realized and opportunities to inspire the world! I am in the historic Smiley library located in the beautiful city of Redlands, California. After resigning from the pastorate three years ago, I have not be able to find work. But this journey of my life is not a roadblock. It is a wonderful moment of Divine GPS re-routing to pasture of writing.

Thanks Writing.Com for providing this space. I am presently exploring the idea to write about the people who have retired but are not tired! I participate in 2 senior softball leagues, and as one of the babies (57 as of this post) I am more inspired by those 20 plus years my senior still playing competitively and having a ball while doing it! From all walks of life, these men and women have displayed characters that are ripe for fiction and nonfiction entertainment! I can't wait to start this project.

If you have any ideas or your parents or grandparents are looking for post labor excitement , direct them to the world of senior softball. Coming to the San Jacinto Valley in southern California in two weeks is the annual attraction of the OldLympics. And wouldn't you know one of the sports highlighted as a popular event, is that cast of characters enjoying movement senior style, Sofball!
Stay tuned...
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wat2ryte