Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wutwut123
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Offering 500 GP for all new entries in Monster Boy Feet for the foreseeable future if anyone is interested!
Added a couple new chapters to Monster Boy Feet, but be warned, it's probably not what you're expecting lol. I'm a foot lover to the core but I also like experimenting with new things :)
I'm going to try to add more, but I encourage others to make additions or discuss ideas with me, it's a lot easier to write new stuff when you're not the only one doing it!
Added a couple more too, it's too early to really say I'm back but this stuff is *Fire* *Fire* *Fire*
*Balloonr* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Balloong*

*BalloonB* *Party* *ConfettiG* *BalloonO* *BalloonB* *ConfettiB* *BalloonP* *ConfettiO* *BalloonB* *BalloonR* *ConfettiR* *BalloonV*
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
I wanna make an addition to one of my interactives but I honestly have no idea what to write. If anyone has anything they want to see, I'd love some suggestions. No promises I'll actually put anything out though.
I wouldn't mind seeing a continuation of the female MC being tormented by the Frog Girl and her more reptilian friends. Maybe they take her back to a settlement, or their bandit hideout, or something. That, or the Dragon door in the House of Temptation, maybe? He'd probably have a horde of footwear instead of treasure, eh? Could be a fun idea.
Thanks to whoever gifted me a year of basic membership!
  •   1 comment
Hell yeah! Your back!
Goodbye, basic membership o7
  •   1 comment
This so sad....quick Alexa play the pokemon theme song.
What happened to Flying Widget? It looks like he deleted his account... what happened?
He has moved to discord :U
I have company for the next week, I'm still checking up on the site but it's difficult to find time to write entries!
Reminder that I'm offering 250 GP for additions to Monster Girl Feet :3
I need to get more chapters added onto Monster Girl Feet, but I'm just too damn lazy. *RollEyes* Would I get more authors rolling in if I offered points per chapter? I have too many of them, and I don't really know what to do with them.
I've come down with a bad cold. So I'm on a slight hiatus.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wutwut123