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Review by akakapo
Rated: E | (3.0)
What I find interesting about these people that helped begin the American revolution is the fact that they were a mixed bunch but had intellectual deist types such as Thomas Jefferson. Benjamin Franklin was a member of the unitarian church. Basically the heroes Americans treat to the reverence of religious figures would never be voted in today due to not being religious enough. Also the founding fathers never actually wanted a democracy in the form it is in today. The ideals of the founding fathers and today americans differ greatly from what was meant to be.
Review of Short Poem  
Review by akakapo
Rated: E | (3.0)
An interesting and quick to the point poem. Music is quite inspiring and is like a poem. Music in fact could be said to simply be a type of narrative way. It can contain poetry, epics and tales. A great example is Christopher Lee's music where he sings about a historical figure. It is quite epic.
Review by akakapo
Rated: E | (3.0)
Democracy has been idealized many a time, as a non-political person interested in history I cannot come across a single nation that became successful due to democracy. Athens is usually seen as an example yet 1. Only men were allowed to vote 2. Slaves and women were disallowed from voting 3. Only 10% to 20% were allowed to vote.

Even if Athens had an golden age under Athenian democracy it was nothing compared to the achievements of Alexander The Great or The Persian Empire. The empires that succeeded and had risen were not democracies but usually monarchies and Oligarchies. The USA has risen but is actually closer to an oligarchy than a democracy.

Democracy is seen as an ideal yet which successful democracy is there? Name a democracy that has success and chances are its actually an oligarchy.

James Madison, Federalist Paper No. 10:

In a pure democracy, "there is nothing to check the inducement to sacrifice the weaker party or the obnoxious individual."

At the 1787 Constitutional Convention, Edmund Randolph said, "... that in tracing these evils to their origin every man had found it in the turbulence and follies of democracy."

John Adams said, "Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."

Chief Justice John Marshall observed,

"Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos."

Review of The Dark Ages  
Review by akakapo
Rated: E | (4.0)
Personally, I would say, that modern man thinks itself superior to the past. The thing is, that every society has a rise, golden age and other different ages and an collapse. Take the Islamic society, for example. They had a rise and a golden age. Evidence indicates that the Muslims reached the American continent before the Vikings. Great sciences were promoted and Baghdad was a great time for scholarly pursuits. Look at the Islamic world today. Instead, of scholarly pursuits the Islamic society has become backwards.

Every society has a rise and fall, great men build, then the society becomes lazy and the end begins. Torture, executions and atrocity has always been with humanity. The idealists tend to be worse, the idealists of communism, to create a utopia has taken more than fifty million lives.

We do not live in the dark ages since the dark ages is simply a time period, things that you described will always be with man. In the end, man is a brutish, violent race that wishes to keep his territory at all cost.
Review of Walking Alone  
Review by akakapo
Rated: E | (4.0)
A very sweet and nice poem. It is soothing to my mind and brings joy and nostalgia to my being. The beach is a very nice place it must be said and you write poetry very well. I notice that the poem has been there for 12 years now. It is fitting that it is from so long ago since it fills it with nostalgia. Good poem.
Review of The Infinite Blue  
Review by akakapo
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is quite a nice essay. It is quite good to muse sometime sand I find your essay to be quite philosophical
Review of ABC Poem  
Review by akakapo
Rated: E | (4.0)
Fascinating poem. I find your verse of "A sure glimpse of hope in this
blemished reality. A
callused escape
drawn right to its
end. Four
grope in
hopes of finality. As an
insider’s game turns to

quite interesting, If i understand your poem right it is about how people's realities are different ans we wear veils of reality. A good poem. I liked it though i'm unsure if i have interpreted it correctly.
Review of Under Wicked Sky  
Review by akakapo
Rated: E | (5.0)
An interesting and moving poem. It shows your skill as a poetry writer. i wish I had the poetry writing abilities that you have and could write such a beauty as you have written. I highly enjoy how the poem is structured and it reminds me of the sky is endless. Good poem. You are a good poetery writer.
Review by akakapo
Rated: E | (4.0)
An interesting and wonderful poem. I get the implication that the person narrating is in conflict with something or himself. The poem implies to me a journey if not a literal journey but a more metaphysical and inner journey. We all go on journeys but it affects us all differently. Good poem.
Review of Dreams  
Review by akakapo
Rated: E | (3.5)
A very good and short poem that is interesting, creative and fascinating. The subjects of dreams are a fascinating thing. In aborigine culture, apparently there is a place known as Dreamtime and is a sort of alternate universe. So are our dreams a part of us or a parallel universe we can enter into? Or Both?
Review of My Tormentor  
Review by akakapo
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
The greatest enemy to one self can be oneself. This is an interesting thing you've written. It is good to be self-aware in my opinion but one should not be too critical i think. Are you damiliar with Rumi? He states that you cannot change the world before changing yourself. In essence I would state that one should lower our negative side and cultivate our positive side.
Review by akakapo
Rated: E | (5.0)
Genius, pure genius. I like how you've twisted the original tale and made it into this ironic if a bit cruel tale. I enjoy the humour and how it has changed. For me this is comedy gold. It is nice to see more works like this. I persoanally only have a vague knowledge of the Mary had a little lamb nursery rhyme so do not fully appreciate the humour but satire in my opinion works well for people with knowledge of the original work being parodied. Thanks for this. it cheered my day. It is very clever and funny.
Review by akakapo
Rated: E | (3.0)
It is interesting the historical person that is Abraham Lincoln and I hope your essay goes well. I am unfamiliar with Abraham Lincoln as a historical person but am interested in history and interested in the pro-union and pro-confederate arguments by people. Good luck with your essay.
Review by akakapo
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is quite an interesting poem. It is interesting in a sad and disturbing fashion. The disturbing element comes into being in the fact that the person is imprisoned. The motive is not revealed nor it important I would imagine. The hellish existence of this poor soul is quite tragic indeed. The thing I find most disturbing is the fact that this person existence is hellish.
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