Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/atimetoforget
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87 Public Reviews Given
87 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
reminds me of langston hughes' theme for english b... haha
Review of The Beach  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm not really sure what to say aside from well done :)
Review of Rush Week  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I like this a lot! the only suggestion i have is in your sentence:

"He was a Boy Scout once upon a time, and remembered something about hyperventilating in tight spaces leading to carbon dioxide replacing the oxygen more quickly, effectively shortening the amount of breathable air in a confined space."

you say he remembered something but then the rest of the sentence was very specific and sounds like he knew exactly what he was talking about, so maybe take out "something". but that's a really small thing and it didn't really affect the story; all in all, very nice.
Review of Fairytale  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
i like this a lot! especially how it flows. The choice of words clearly illustrates the tone but so does the placement of punctuation. very good
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
this is very good! i've recently written a poem that came to me while meditating but it is about meditation haha
Review of The Golden Thread  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: E | (5.0)
it is short but has such a good meaning to it! i think that is the best kind of poem because it's easier to reach more people with less words! this is very nice :)
Review of Bridal Gown  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: E | (4.5)
A great six word story (in my opinion) is one that has words that get me to continue the story in my head and imagine how it all happened, with this, i did just that! i like all six words haha this is very good
Review of Perfection  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: E | (4.0)
gotta love ocd haha this is good :)
Review of In Control  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
this really makes you think about how dangerous living really is! i like this a lot
Review of Brain Strain  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: E | (4.0)
gotta love indecision! i usually defer all choices given to me to someone else haha
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is so true and so hilarious!
Review of Maiko  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is written so well! it is amazing! i love it
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: E | (5.0)
this very good! and i like it even more because my name happens to be James haha
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: E | (4.0)
despite other ratings i liked this! it is written well!
Review of I Warned You  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: E | (4.5)
there is nothing better than a friend that protects you when you're sad, you are the kind of friend everyone needs! this is very goo btw haha i really liked it :)
Review of Hospital Buddies  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: E | (4.5)
I think it would be so cool to meet someone who will one day be famous! good story :)
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is very good! i love it!
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
i got chills when i read this! it is amazing!
Review of Cliche Courtship  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
gotta love cliche's!
Review of Thunderous Sky  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is amazing! i felt like i was there, i saw the girl, and i know who she is... this is written beautifully!
Review of TELL ME MUMMY  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: E | (4.5)
it is a shame when the whims of one man can have such an impact on so many people...
Review of If I Were A Poet  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is hilarious! also because the number 23 is awesome you get 1,030 gps so i have 23,000 exactly... i guess it isn't exactly a legit reason to give them but who cares
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very good topic of discussion that i have had with many people, however being only 17 i have yet to encounter a peer of mine who had the capacity to engage me in a conversation while following reason and not simply saying "jesus is proof of god". I find atheism a very interesting belief because i cannot think of a way in which everything that we call the universe could have been originally created if not by a creator that is greater than us. of course that brings up the question of how could there be a creator of our universe without something having given existence to said creator. which raises the question if every "creator" has to have a "creator" how did the first creator come to be? creating an infinite line of creators that can have no beginning because that would mean there would be a time with no existence of anything which is impossible given that every "creator has a creator". i believe there can be no god as the bible describes because the bible states that god has always been and always will be. that means that there was no beginning because there was no time without god. i don't know, this is just the thought process that i follow when on the subject of god or a superior being that created everything. on a tangent of the attempted disproof of something supernatural; we have thoughts, our thoughts are not tangible however they do exist and that is indisputable. so if we can think of it, it exists in some form, whether it remains a thought or not it exists and there is no bound to the potential of thought. god could not exist in the physical realm of things but he certainly does exist. at the chance of everything i have said sounding incredibly dumb i attached the 1,500 GPs because i would've written this regardless of a auto-reward. thank you for your time! and i hope that you write more on this subject or even on other topics that are up for interpretation.
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: E | (3.0)
It was written well but it doesn't really appeal to me. I understand that it characterizes the person more when he uses slang but to me, it just looks bad. Also, the names, though original, i thought should be different. But, this just isn't my type of story I enjoy to read. I'm sure that had it been i would've loved it.
Review of Unbroken  
Review by James Saaristo
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This is very deep! The words used really makes the meaning more powerful and helps the reader become part of the writing more easily. It flows very nicely and wouldn't be awkward to recite. It seems to touch on a very cliche topic but then again, what doesn't? In summation it was very good!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/atimetoforget