Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/beckettmission
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11 Public Reviews Given
12 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by Becketmission
Rated: E | (4.5)
Nicely done, dear. I would have given you a 5 star rating instead of a 4.5, if not for your numerous grammatical errors. However, I like the way you wrote it out, for the most part.

I am reminded of that 1972 pop song "Oh, Claire", by Gilbert O'Sullivan. He is singing about a girl who he adores and would marry, if not for the obvious age difference. The age difference is so vast because she is his niece. LOL.

Thanks for the smile. And i pray in Jesus's Holy Name that you find a true love one day, who shall match your love for this special nephew of yours. Nishant, eh? I believe my ex-fiance' left me for an Indian man named Nishant.

Well, she says she is happy, and that's all I care about.

GOD Bless, dear.

John in Minnesota, USA
Review of The Dance  
Review by Becketmission
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very nice. *Smile* It made me smile.

i love singing His Praises, and i know that He doesn't care if it sounds professional, or not. That's because He doesn't hear the same way we do. He Hears our hearts' voices, and the more you love Him, the more beautiful your heart will sing. And the more beautiful your heart sings to Him, the more beautiful the song will sound to Him.

That was very nice, dear. I ALMOST NEVER read the poetry posts in here, but when I saw your heading "Struggling with Faith", I thought you may need a friend.

GOD Bless!

John in Minnesota
Review by Becketmission
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
As a Christian, i could only give you a 4.5 because of the falsity of the story. Yes, I realize it is fiction, but my heart lies with Jesus as the only Judge Worthy of Sending anyone to Heaven.

However, it was a good story, as stories go. And you have a talent for articulation. Nothing fancy in that story, the way others do, with their million-dollar words, et al. But fancy wasn't needed. Your message came through very well, in my estimation.

You'll wind up getting reviewed from others about your grammar. But not from me. That is overrated, imv. That's what editors are for. Amen?? And for what it's worth, your grammar was quite efficient, for the most part.

Anyway, i pray that this story wasn't a prelude to you thinking about suicide. Believe me, as bad as we may think we have it, many others have it worse. Live life to the fullest, and keep your chin up. Smile and laugh as much as possible.

Thanks again for the story, and have a GOD-Blessed day.

John in MN
Review of Vision of Warning  
Review by Becketmission
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Great summary there, Leigh. And I am glad I happened upon it, too.

I am struggling with a chemical brain imbalance which is
in turn causing me to be wary of venturing more than 20 miles
from home. That's quite an improvement from when I first
aquired this dilemma back in 2K. And it was even worse in
2002. I was afraid to leave the back yard!!

Praise GOD that He has Brought me so far away from those
days via my prayers and faith.

However, those aren't the only Ways that He Uses to
Help me. Case in point: your sharing the "Answer" He Gave
you to a question. I am a fervent follower of Bible Prophecy,
so it did not surprise me when I read your story here.

Even so, it was a "Reminder" to me that our days here
are merely a prelude to eternity in the so-called
"Afterlife" with our LORD.

Thank you very much for sharing, and GOD Bless!

John in MN
Review of Among Friends  
Review by Becketmission
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow, Ellen! That was so good, I was almost tempted to
ask if you copied it from someone else. Very nice,
dear. Thank you for sharing.

Seriously. I mean it.

The grammar is concise, so far as I can see, and
you did well enough with the imagery that the
reader gets enough of an idea of where the main
character is and what she's doing.

Very nice. See? It's so good, I repeated "very nice".

Hah ha ha!

John in MN, USA
Review of WORDS  
Review by Becketmission
Rated: E | (4.0)
Good poem, Linda. The interesting thing is, the way you described it in your summary beneath the title, you asked: Ever felt rushed?

Well, the way you wrote it out, I was reading it fast. So it worked out nice. In other words, yours was an apt choice of words. Heh heh. I really liked it, although it was kinda short and simple.

But it felt like you were having fun while typing it out, so it was worth it.

Thank you.

John in Minnesota
Review of You Are My Angel  
Review by Becketmission
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hi there, Angel girl. *Smile* My name is John and I was just looking for a nice story or poem to read which would cheer me up. You see, it is 11 PM here in Minnesota, which means I will be going to bed soon.

Unfortunately, I live alone, and I don't like going to bed alone. I think it is because I have awoken sometimes from nightmares and I was even more afraid because there was nobody there with me. So now, I don't like going to bed alone because I am afraid of waking up alone in the middle of the night.

What I like to do is pray before bed. i thank GOD for all of the wonderful Blessings He has Bestowed upon me, like His Beautiful Son Jesus. Also, i thank Him for my health.

Another thing i thank Him for is the "Angels" that watch over me. i believe He has Appointed them to do so.

It says so in the Bible.

I saw the heading of your poem, "You're My Angel". I like that title. And I like the part of your poem where you said, You're My Angel I see everynight, whenever I want you, I see you up there. That made me smile.

Thank you for that nice poem, dear.

Some people may not like it because it doesn't rhyme, or because it is so short. But those people don't understand what a poem is. It comes from the heart. That's what is so special about your poem, Ms. Notebook.

i am sure GOD is Smiling upon you as you read this, and so is your personal Angel.

Have a good night, and pleasant dreams.

John in MN
Review by Becketmission
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Thank you for the advice, SM. I like #'s 2 and 5 ...

.. Read others' work, rate/review; Enter contests.

Thanks for caring enough to share your helpful hints.

Much appreciated. *smile
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