Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/burning_bush
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15 Public Reviews Given
15 Total Reviews Given
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Review of Walls  
Review by Burning_Bush
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, this is a reciprocal review since you took the time to read and review my story www.coven.com. Thank you for that.

I loved this story. The repeated image of the blue skies, explained through the smashed picture (a very nice, "ah yeah, I get it" moment) is really touching. The unspoken conversation between Leonard and David is poignant and something I'm sure we can all relate to. While the ending is sad, it's full of hope and new potential and I really liked that.

I only had one tiny thing that jarred with me, and it may be because I'm reading this pretty late, but how does the grimace stay on Leonard's face through his little sleep? I'm not really sure why but that threw me off the actual story to begin with.

You should be very proud of this story, it's excellent.
Review by Burning_Bush
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
That was good fun and made me smile, so thank you. I really enjoyed your descriptive techniques, in particular when describing Andrew's appearance when he opened the door.

I wish I could offer some constructive criticism of this piece but it is just really well written and if anything I would complain it's too short!
Review of The Tenant of 306  
Review by Burning_Bush
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
This is one of the darkest pieces I've read on writing.com. I was very impressed with how compelling you made the story, I really wanted to know what was going on from the outset. In my opinion you should be pleased with the way Adam comes across as quite a sympathetic character at the beginning (everyone can relate to waking up feeling awful) and then his true nature is gradually revealed.

I believe there are a couple of misused words (possibly due to Autocorrect) that should be replaced e.g. " A large, red whelp" should be "welt" and " most college students conjugated" should be "congregated". my only other slight criticism would be that you tend to overuse adverbs and I would advise a quick edit to cut out the unnecessary ones.

All in all, a good but definitely disconcerting read.
Review by Burning_Bush
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
First of all: this story is nuts! To begin with I was confused, then became bewildered and ended with a huge grin. The ending is really funny and downright baffling.

I really enjoyed this because, quite frankly, I had no idea where it was going and the leprechaun love story surprised the hell out of me.

To attempt a balanced review: it rattles along at a great pace but I was a bit confused about how a vampire could "grow up", with them being, well, dead and all. But to be honest that was soon lost in the lunacy of smuggling a leprechaun across the US border wrapped in dirty laundry.

Anyway, you made me laugh, so thank you.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/burning_bush