Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/catharinep
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38 Public Reviews Given
52 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of Possession  
Review by Poetrygal
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This was simply great! I couldn't stop reading..very, very good. The writing was very descriptive so that you could see what the writing was showing you. The patients were described realistically with their own set of problems, and a little bit of humour made up the mix. I would definitely read more of your work.
Review by Poetrygal
Rated: E | (4.5)
So aptly put! It's a shame that we live in a world today that all the people think is how they can get one over on the next person that they think has wronged them. The Word of God says not to take your brother' to court, but to go to him to make it right...if he won't listen to go over him to a higher head...at least this is to give him a chance. Too bad the world doesn't apply the same priniciples.
Review of The Music Box  
Review by Poetrygal
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your off to a good start..there is a story with Josephine and David..with a hint of a few twists in it that are peeking through. Will look forward to reading more as you progress with your story.

suiters = suitors...I do believe.

A bit of confusion in:

Slipping her small hand inside her grandmother's, the little girl leaned over the music box and studied the intricate workings of the silver tynes against ? inside the glass-enclosed tomb.
Review by Poetrygal
Rated: E | (5.0)
Excellent advice...thank you so much!

Review by Poetrygal
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
A very interesting story. Demons defintely play a role in the spirituality of humanity. We have to continually fight evil, but we can only do so and be victorious through the cross that Jesus died on, his precious Blood. When you are attacked by the enemy, we have assurance that we can call on Jesus and be fully protected. The fact that the enemy is given permission to attack us, means that we need to take a look at what is being tested here and why.

Insightful reading, keep up the good writing!
Review by Poetrygal
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A truly brilliant and well written story. To see the gift of love that a young woman bestowed upon her family is a unique gift in itself. What surprised me was that she felt bad for the other members of her family and not just for herself.

I especially like the mother's comment to her daughter - No! No! Oh, Natalie, God created you to be a light in the darkness, to show God’s love to others!” her mother exclaimed, shocked by her daughter’s honest question.

This is the truly inspiring part about Natalie's death that she was able to touch other people, if only we all could be like her.
Review by Poetrygal
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your message is clear and I can see your love for our Lord is evident in your writing. I can also see how you are concerned for humanity's salvation/lack of salvation.

Some sentences could flow a little easier, they are a bit awkward...you might want to take a second look at some of the sentences below.

Has Jesus knocked at your heart's door, one day{/x] will you see Heaven's shores?
Or His pleas did{/} will you ignore?

Have you heard the word of God in detail? Word
Jesus' love is free, being saved salvation is a gift that is not for sale

I can't wait to see Him in that hour
When over the Earth our Lord will tower - I like these two stanzas the best...very powerful.

Review of "Kings Journal"  
Review by Poetrygal
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A like your style of writing, to the point and honest. I agree with you, patience is a virtue when it comes to reading long stories. I prefer the short ones if possible. I like the last line of your 'New Years Eve Has Arrived,

"May God grace your face with the warmth of the sun and you never feel the winds bitter cold"

A beautiful blessing,
Review of Under  
Review by Poetrygal
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The story is well written, it flows nicely, the only thing I didn't understand is why did the woman not scream for help when the boys were assaulting her. And what did she mean by 'tell them where I am'. If you could clarify what you meant by this than the story would be clearly understood.

Keep writing, a good effort
Review by Poetrygal
Rated: E | (4.5)
A nice story, but were there no repercussions stated in this story, or only the realization that he was not God and had no right to take a his life, wife's and unborn child's. A good moment of realization.....that he had done very wrong...something some of us spend a whole life time and never come to that conclusion.....

Review by Poetrygal
Rated: E | (5.0)
An excellent poem...written from a personal relationship with God that is shown here. It is so wonderful when you know that God is love, and that He loves us, ....

My favourite verse in this poem is:

Love is the everlasting,
Never ending,
Keeps no records,
Always forgives,
Reaches to the highest place.

Keep up the good writing!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/catharinep