Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/davidmcclain
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41 Public Reviews Given
305 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of internet  
Review by David McClain
Rated: E | (2.0)
What you have here is a really good outline for an in-depth essay on the Internet. It is made up of a series of simple, declarative sentences, each one in need of a follow up paragraph to flesh out your ideas. You have told us what it is, now try to give it some depth by explaining the "Why" of each statement. Like I said...very good start and could be better with a little fleshing out.
Review of Blog @ Work  
Review by David McClain
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I really enjoyed reading your latest entry and I stand in awe at your ability to write so well in, what for you, is a second language. In truth, your mastery of the language is probably better than my own. I look forward to reading many more such entries.
Review by David McClain
Rated: E | (5.0)
Many times when I read a piece that has won a contest here on WDC I shake my head and wonder why they won.....not this time. This was one of the finest pieces of writing that I have read in a long time. I have no suggestions on how to make this story better because it doesn't need any improvement. Well done.
Review by David McClain
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Well written and, above all, well said. Thank you for reminding us all once again what this holiday is really supposed to be about.
Review of Who Am I?  
Review by David McClain
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Keep up the good work Vicky. I do so enjoy your blog. You are bright and articulate and you have a lot to say. Thank you for letting me share in your life by reading your words.
Review by David McClain
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was really a most enjoyable read. Your imagery is vivid and I could see the scenes you described as if I were looking at a picture.

I could find no errors in grammer or syntax. All in all, this is a very well written piece and you should be very proud of producing it.

You have a very strong talent and I look forward to reading more of your work....WRITE ON!
Review of Sojourner  
Review by David McClain
Rated: E | (4.0)
"Does this item inspire you? Does it flow and make sense to you .? Leave as is or add to it. How would you classify it. Poem , essay.... Is it publishable and if it is... any suggestions. Will review per review"

Let me try to answer your questions. The peice IS inspirational. The flow is harmed by choppy sentances. You might want to try reading it out loud, that will better show you the stumbling points and allow you to make changes to help the flow.

I would classify it as an essay written in a poetic voice. I am not sure what market this piece would fit into, maybe a literary magazine or college publication.

Your writing shows a lot of promise and I am sure you will realize your dream of publication soon...WRITE ON!
Review by David McClain
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a very powerful and gripping story of a man's journey through one of the steps of grief: Anger.

At first I was not sure the tense it was written in would work but as I read on, I found that it worked very well indeed, in fact it added to the power of the piece.

I did find just a couple of what I call "stumbling points": He walks to them filled with an unexplainable rage towards them.The use of "them" twice in this one sentance caused me to stumble just a bit in the reading. Maybe use the word;"pots" for the first "Them".

He stands by the table panting with vulnerability.I wish I could verblize better just what bothers me about this sentance. "panting with vulnerability" just seems too weak when put against the power of the rest of the description in the story. It's not really wrong, it just lacks the power of the rest of the narrative and thus, it causes one to stumble while reading.

These are very minor points and by no means take away from the very well written piece you have created here. The fact that you have very succently captured the grief suffered by the main character, a man, is especially to be applauded.

Well done, and please.....WRITE ON!

Review by David McClain
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was truely a wonderful piece of mythical, metophoric, mystical storytelling. It needs no suggestions from me to make it better. You have taken an old tale and twisted it, made it from another point of view.

Very smartly done and really a most enjoyable read. Thank you.
Review of Aaron  
Review by David McClain
Rated: E | (5.0)
Mya, I am not a poet, indeed I am quite ignorant as to what actually is good poetry but I judge poetry that I read by the emotions the piece is able to evoke in me, the reader.

Your poem, to me, was very powerful. As a parent I could feel the pain of seperation the character was feeling. So, in as much as your poem reached me on an emotional level, I feel that it deserves five stars...very well done lady, thank you for sharing it with the rest of us.
Review of Choices  
Review by David McClain
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi mya. As I have told you before, poetry is my weak spot and I can only read the stuff that speaks to me, that strikes a personal chord and your poem does that big time!

I loved it. The voyage of self discovery or rediscovery as it were is one many of us must make and though sometimes painfull, it is always worth the effort....well done lady.
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