Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/fry3
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8 Public Reviews Given
8 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by 12344
Rated: E | (4.5)
I believe your survey should have been more focused on how we think the people of America are, such as if we thought most people are sane or lunatics. I voted anyway, good poll.
Review by 12344
Rated: E | (2.0)
This is excellent writing, both eloquent and well-informed. However, I have a large problem with your message. Religion does not need to be a central part of American culture. People are perfectly capable of instilling morals into people without a need to revere a deity. It is absolutely necessary to keep ALL religious beliefs as far away from influencing government policies as possible, or else we would in all probability end up under a theocracy where new ideas are tolerated because they are deemed by a select few to be an 'abomination in the eyes of God'. And secondly, how dare you criticize Thomas Jefferson. He was a visionary man, and foresaw the massive problems that not abolishing religion from government would have caused. If this country were to be run by the Word of God, women would never had a chance to become men's equals. In fact, not having religious freedom may have caused another revolution. If we rejected people from serving our country solely based on their beliefs, we might all be speaking the language of the Reich. I am unsure if you are aware of this, but many of the scientists who created the atomic bomb for America were not Christians. If this land did not welcome all to service and residence regardless of religion, would we have become the first and only nation to land on the moon? I don't ask that you agree with my beliefs, only that you consider them. Thank you for your time.
Review by 12344
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This is certaintly an intriguing poem. At first I was skeptical of how good it could be, as I dislike associating religion with America. But this was well written, and it is part of the small minority of writings that doesn't ignorantly blame the government for all of the problems today.
Review by 12344
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thank you for providing a clear review of immigration without being biased in any way. This article displays sanity that many other lack, and is desperately needed when approaching this subject.
Review by 12344
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
This is a very good interactive. Not the best, but certaintly up there. I respectfully disagree with your stance on violence, but I see where you could be coming from. Good idea, original blending of concepts especially. I will continue to follow this story and maybe add a chapter myself
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