Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/healthyrecipes
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12 Public Reviews Given
13 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Rated: E | (4.5)
         The author wrote a brilliantly fun and interesting as well as creative poem here! It also was great because it also taught a bit of a lesson about the kind of wish the individual made to the genius to get granted for he or she. Genius not only can grant a wish but also can be a harsh teacher about a wish they can grant you. Especially if it’s perhaps, a wish that’s of a selfish nature, and isn’t a wish, from your heart...

         The author’s poem didn’t contain any grammatical errors, misspelled words, etc. It was a fun and easy read. I enjoyed reading this too!

         In my personal choice, I’d probably have offered the genie to take a break with me, from having to grant my wishes for me. We’d sit at a table together and share the fortune cookie together. I’d get to know him, ask him what he thinks about the people’s wishes they’ve asked him to grant for them instead. And afterwards, I’d ask him to grant me only one wish. To free all genius of having to grant humanity their wishes, and for them to finally be free from having to do this, and enjoy the rest of their existence from that point on...

Review of A Cruel World  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Gravel Flamefoot, what an awesome over-filled, overly detailed poem you wrote, spilling out your true feelings out in. I also seem to agree with your view about these kinds of things. But, not everything that was written.

There are still good individuals we can trust. Perhaps we shouldn’t just arbitrarily trust them, and take what they say with a grain of sugar, and salt. Lol A good way to know something for sure is to learn about someone or something they’re telling you, for yourself, by experiencing it or getting to actually know someone instead of just believing in what others say about that individual.

Every individual is special, including you. Everyone matters, even you. Every individual has a purpose and is important, including you too. If you or anyone else feels as though they don’t fit in anywhere, why not find something you love and enjoy doing to fill up your time, to help fill up the lonely ness? You can put your creativity and imagination to good use. Look what great people like Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, the Wright Brothers and Steven King did for example! Look what they created! And they were (Steven King is alive) not only a genius they’re probably were alone and not many people understand them, so they stayed away from the majority of society and created something really great and awesome as a result, of not being like others, and not fitting in anywhere, with anyone.

Those are just my own personal opinions! It can be good to be alone and by yourself, you can get so much more accomplished that you need to do and get done. You can spend time doing whatever you need to or want to do, without anyone interrupting you. It’s peaceful too and you can spend time thinking and can use this to create something awesome like the books Steven King wrote, Leonardo da Vinci probably also spent a lot of time alone creating his brilliant works of art.

What if you stopped feeling your own feelings and emotions and stopped focusing on your self, and did this for other individuals instead? You could feel and know how they feel? And put yourself aside, knowing there are so many others on this world that are suffering too, besides just you? They say if you help others that are also suffering and are hurting you can also not only help heal them but it can also help heal, you. I’ve tried what I’ve just said, and it has been helping me! I know I can help others feel more happy.

The author wrote a great and very well written poem. I had to read it several times and felt very compelled to write an intelligent response back. It made me think a lot, and liked this making me do that. I didn’t notice anything wrong with the poem, no errors or misspelled words.

What a wonderful poem! I enjoyed reading this! And this seems to be how so many others out there are feeling too though. As I’ve been seeing, finding out and have been observing covertly, and in a non-covert way, many people are lonely! Many are suffering from depression and are struggling. Many don’t seem to be loved or even in love as much as people use to be anymore. I see, know and know where and who these people are that are suffering. I try to help make a difference for them, such as giving them a simple phone call, mailing them a gift or card, being present in their life, loving, respecting, practicing compassion to them. This not only helps me but helps them. I know I can help make a difference!

Peace be with you, thanks again for your awesome poem!
Lady of America

Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there...author and others reading my review.

I just wanted to let you and all others know, that I know someone for real that’s like the store you wrote about. He lives in an old looking run down home. He lost two very important people in his life he once dearly loved. Family and any friends lack in his life, even his two sisters have nothing to do with him. He’s very sad and lonely. No love. No one truly cares about him. He’s an ex marine veteran too. He’s very kind and is a gentleman. He and I are friends. He has Alzheimer’s, doesn’t know what year it is and has asked me this. None of this is funny at all. I try doing whatever I possibly can for him. I’ve asked people in town to help him and told them why he needs help. They said they know him and he refused their help. So I kind of took this into my own hands. I say hi to him whenever I can, to let him know he’s important and matters. I cook some pasta and meat and a vegetable so he can have a descendant home cooked meal and someone who he can spend time with instead of never having anyone to be with, like every person should have on this world and not just be all alone all of the time. It’s not right.

He loves, respects and trusts me. He accepts my help. I never make fun of him either. He knows I truly care, love and respect him too. I practice love, compassion and kindness and I give him my time and all of these good things back. Every person should be given all of this, not just laughed and made fun of. Everyone should be respected, you don’t know what they really are like or what they’ve been through and this is why no one should just be spoken of in any negative or bad way, especially behind their back and never have rumors that aren’t true spread about them either.

Just because someone’s different doesn’t mean they should be made fun of. This man was once someone very good and special and he still is. He sacrificed his own life and time for all of us in our country to serve and protect all of us! He was once a marine! He’s actually very kind if you’d take the time to really get to know him. And he’s treated me with more kindness and respect than any other man ever has I’ve ever taken the time to get to know in my life. I once met him to say hi, how are you today. I saw him with tearing eyes and said to me, “No one even said hi to me today.”

My Mom once taught me, “If you can’t say anything good about someone, don’t say anything at all.” I believe that no ex military veteran should ever be alone or made fun of in any way. Actually, no person should. This is of course my opinion. And my Mom taught me, “What goes around, comes around.” Karma is real. If you do something good, something good could one day come back to you. If you do something bad, something not so good can one day in the future, come back to you. This is everyone’s choice, you can all make this decision by, yourself.

The author wrote a great story here, though. I didn’t notice any errors or anything. This may sadly be, how a lot of people or the public think in regards to someone they don’t necessarily understand. For me, personally, in knowing a real person that’s living in an old run down home, I’m glad I got to know him. No veteran should ever be disrespected or spoken of in any kind of bad way. They sacrificed their time to serve, love and protect all of us in our country. The least we can do, is give each of them our kindness, respect and compassion and love, back.

Lady in America
Rated: E | (4.5)
         depthwriter, we’re all important. Every single one of us. This movie even further explains this and is highly important as to why we’re all important and can matter to others in our own personal life. I’m sure there’s something really good and wonderful you’ve done in your life for someone.

         It’s great that due to what you’ve been put through you’ve become even stronger and can face anything that seems to come your way now. What may be bad or negative can also teach us to become stronger. This can be very harsh, tough and challenging but can really make us a whole lot stronger in the end. I too have been put through a lot and I’m stronger as well. I’m sure it’s this way for many others and hopefully they’ve continued on and have become stronger also.

         Your poem was very well written. I wanted to finish reading it to the very end. It also made me want to comment here as well. I didn’t see any misspelled words or errors and was written very well.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vM3BSDQC0Lw “The Five People You Meet In Heaven,” by Mitch Albom

Peace be with you and all others that read this, woman in America

Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings parable! Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your experience with Halloween here with us. What a wonderful and fun time it must’ve been for you and I also enjoyed hearing about this and how it was for you also. You wrote this very well and was an enjoyable read for me! I don’t see any errors or misspelled words in this either. I no longer get to experience Halloween like this anymore, there just don’t ever seem to be any children that ever visit where I’m at now a days. At least because of you I got to experience this again, so thanks again for this! I

Well, please do have a very happy Halloween! I’d love to read about it again if you post it for this year again! Peace be with Yw, cheers! Thumbs up to a great writing you created here!

Lady K in America
Rated: E | (5.0)
Naomi, I loved reading this! I thought you created this excellently! I didn’t notice anything that needed to be corrected either! I think it was very well written, thought out and made! Thumbs up! Cheers! What a wonderful job! Thanks for creating this fun writing for us to read and enjoy here!
Review of It Was for Us  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, I too am very thankful for all of our veterans. That’s wonderful how you wrote this honoring and thanking them too. What a great poem and read! It’s very well written also. The only thing I saw though was your third sentence on the first paragraph, the word families needs to be corrected, otherwise it’s created very well!

I give my thanks to all veterans for sacrificing your time to serve and protect all of us in our country. May God bless you all as well. I send all of you my most sincere gratitude and unconditional love in return.

Rated: E | (5.0)

Tuesday, October 25th, 2022:
What if the reason for your sadness is the fact that you are way too good for such a world” What if each of us can try helping and caring about others, who might be having a very rough time in their life, more than we are our self? Help spread some cheer to the other individuals that may be experiencing something not so great in their life. And try to offer them love and support as well. I’m not only talking to you, I’m talking to any other that read this and you can talk to me if you like. I like reading what you say, thanks. If you like, I’ll leave a comment on what else you wrote here if you like. Peace be with you.
Review of The Tokoloshe  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Beholden, I greatly enjoyed reading your story! That for taking your time to create this writing masterpiece! It’s also interesting that it includes information about what the being is and what they are and can cause to happen to someone in their life. I wonder if they can no longer take any commands by the one that sent them to someone like in a Harry Potter movie...and can be befriended and the victim they’re sent to can become their new master? I’m also a fan of Brian Froud and talks about all kinds of faerie folk types in one of his books...

Very fun and entertaining story there, thank you again for this intriguing read! Thumbs up! Cheers to ye!
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